
MPA学习指导 2021-08-20 网络整理 可可


passage 4 
  in order to work here the foreigner needs a work permit, which must be applied for by his prospective employer. the problem here is that the department of employment has the right to    1   or refuse these permits, and there is little that can be   2   about it; it would be extremely unwise   3   a foreign visitor to work without a permit, since anyone doing so is   4   to immediate deportation. there are some   5   to this rule, most notably people from the common market countries, who are   6   to work without permits and who are often given temporary residence permits of up to five years. some   7   people, such as doctors, foreign journalists, authors and others, can work without permits.
  the problem with the act is not just that some of its rules are unfair but   8   it is administered, and the people who administer it.
  an immigration official has the power to stop a visitor   9   these shores coming into the country. if this happens the visitor has the   10   to appeal to the immigration appeal tribunal. while the appeals are being considered, the visitor has no choice but to wait sometimes for quite a long time.                    

1. a. allow   b. admit   c. present  d. grant

2. a. made   b. done   c. explained  d. talked

3. a. for    b. to    c. as   d. in

4. a. apt    b. likely   c. liable   d. incline

5. a. exemptions  b. exceptions  c. excerptions  d. expositions

6. a. prescribed  b. qualified  c. entitled  d. certified

7. a. more   b. fewer   c. others   d. other

8. a. the way   b. that   c. the time  d. what

9. a. out of   b. to    c. from   d. off

10. a. honor   b. force   c. right   d. authority

passage 5        
    each year, hundreds of thousands of people die form heart attack, a leading cause of death. in the landmark physicians’ health study at harvard university in the united states in the late 1980s, a research team led by dr. heinekens studied 22, 701 healthy male physicians, half of whom were randomly   1   to take an aspirin every other day while the others took placebos (安慰剂). after the participants had been   2   for an average of five years, the doctors in the aspirin group were found to have suffered 44 percent fewer first heart attacks.   3   ,a recent international study indicates that aspirin can be beneficial for those people with a history of coronary artery (冠动脉) bypass surgery,   4   of their sex, age or whether they have high blood pressure or diabetes.
    according to a report by the american heart association. doctors should consider prescribing   5   aspirin for middle-aged people with a family history of, or   6   for, heart disease. (risk factors include smoking, being more than 20 percent overweight, high blood pressure and lack of exercise.)
    aspirin is also a lifesaver during heart attacks. paramedics now give it routinely, and experts urge anyone with chest pain,   7   if it spreads to the neck, shoulder or an arm, or is accompanied by sweating, nausea (恶心), light headedness and breathing difficulty to chew and
  8   an aspirin tablet immediately.
when taking aspirin for heart attack   9   the plain, uncoated variety. for even faster absorption, crush and mix with a little water. speed of absorption is critical because most heart attack deaths occur   10   the first few hours after chest pain strikes. 

1.  a. expected     b. demanded    c. assigned     d. advised

2.  a. followed     b. examined     c. monitored   d. experienced

3.  a. meanwhile   b. above all     c. however    d. in addition

4.  a. in spite      b. regardless     c. careless     d. whatever

5.  a. low-dose     b. high-amount   c. more       d. right

6.  a. ready        b. at risk        c. maybe      d. in danger

7.  a. naturally     b. apparently     c. especially   d. furthermore

8.  a. eat          b. swallow       c. digest      d. assimilate

9.  a. choose       b. use           c. hold out     d. pick out

10.  a. for          b. along         c. within      d. except

passage 6
industrial safety does not just happen. companies   1   low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them   2   and
active. when the work is well done, a   3   of accident-free operations is established   4   time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.
 successful safety programs may   5   greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. others stress safe work practices by   6   rules or regulations.   7   others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. but, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.
 there can be no question about the value of a safety program. from a financial standpoint alone, safety   8  . the fewer the injury   9  , the better the workman’s insurance rate. this may mean the difference between operating at   10   or at a loss.  

1. a. at b. in c. on d. with

2. a. alive b. vivid c. mobile d. diverse

3. a. regulation b. climate c. circumstance d. requirement

4. a. where b. how c. what d. unless

5. a. alter b. differ c. shift d. distinguish

6. a. constituting b. aggravating c. observing d. justifying

7. a. some b. many c. even d. still

8. a. comes off b. turns up c. pays off d. holds up

9. a. claims b. reports c. declarations d. proclamations

10. a. an advantage b. a benefit c. an interest d. a profit

passage 7
vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man.  
they do not provide energy, __1__do they construct or build any part of the body. they are needed for   2   foods into energy and body maintenance. there are thirteen or more of them, and if   3   is missing a deficiency disease becomes   4  .
vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements — usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and   5   nitrogen. they are different   6   their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin   7   one or more specific functions in the body.
  8   enough vitamins is essential to life, although the body has no nutritional use for ___9__ vitamins. many people,   10  , believe in being on the “safe side” and thus take extra vitamins. however, a well-balanced diet will usually meet all the body’s vitamin needs.

1. a. either b. so c. nor d. never

2. a. shifting b. transferring c. altering d. transforming

3. a. any b. some c. anything d. something

4. a. serious b. apparent c. severe d. fatal

5. a. mostly b. partially c. sometimes d. rarely

6. a. in that b. so that c. such that d. except that

7. a. undertakes b. holds c. plays d. performs

8. a. supplying b. getting c. providing d. furnishing

9. a. exceptional b. exceeding c. excess d. external

10. a. nevertheless b. therefore c. moreover d. meanwhile


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