2005年mba联考英语答案|2005年MBA联考英语模拟试题 Section I Vocabulary

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1. The boy is telling a lie. His face has given him _______________.

  A. off    B. up     C. away     D. out

2. It is _____________ in the regulations that you can take 80 kilos of luggage with you.

  A. laid out   B. laid down   C. laid up   D. laid off

3. People ill some regions of Scotland weave wool into Scottish tweed, which _____ much money in foreign trade.

  A. gets in   B. brings in   C. turns in   D. hands in

4. The stolen car was Finally recovered last Sunday in a country cottage, but the robbers are still__________.

  A. on the go   B. at large   C. out of sight   D. beyond control

5. If only he works hard. I don‘t _______ when he finishes the book report.

  A. expect   B. mind   C. hope    D. regret

6. It was snowing. So I drove with _______, as the road was slippery.

  A. safety   B. caution   C. protection   D. attention

7. Anybody who wants to start a business must have some ______________.

  A. capital   B. wealth   C. income   D. currency

8. He lifted the heavy weight, but it was the greatest ______________ he had ever made.

  A. strength   B. force   C. effort   D. energy

9. With a car, many people can make trips to the country or seaside at weekends. instead of being ________ to their

immediate neighborhood.

  A. limited   B. restricted   C. confined   D. subjected

10. If no importance is attached to colleting information, we cannot survive in such a (an) ________competitive

society, because it is the basis on which we make our decisions.

  A. powerfully B. forcefully C. intensely D. intensively

11.I remember seeing him some years ago, but I can‘t __________________ where it was.

  A. remind   B. recognize   C. recall   D. memorize

12. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _______________ the exit as quickly as possible.

  A. made off B. made out C. made for D. made toward

13. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful____ in the market.

  A. batteries   B. baskets   C. bargains   D. barrels

14. The fake painting is obviously interior _______________the original.

  A. below   B. from   C. to   D. under

15. The taxi driver pulled up Ins car _____________ a pedestrian waving to him.

  A. in the sight of   B. at the sight 

     C. on the sight of    D. the sight of

16. Because of the strike. British Rail has been forced to ____________ all the trains to London.

  A. cancel   B. abandon   C. postpone .   D. refer

17.They have asked us to ________________ in the negotiations.

  A. involve   B. present   C. participate   D. attend

 18. They are____________________ the costs of production precisely.

  A. counting   B. calculating   C. figuring   D. numbering

19. It is said that the math teacher seems ________________ toward bright students.

  A.partial   B. preferable   C. beneficial   D. liable

20. This hotel ____________$60 for a single room with bath.

  A. claims   B. demands   C. requires   D. charges


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