(注意:总分100分,考试时间2小时)Part Ⅰ.Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the sentence.(每小题1分,共50分)1. a scientist is being deliberately informal, he will tend to speak like a book when he is explaining science.A. Although B. While C. Even if D. Unless 2.It was unwise of him to the unreliable data in his speech.A. refer to B. add to C. keep to D. point to 3. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy for her examination.A. to prepare B. to be prepared C. preparing D. being prepared 4. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any of it whatsoever.A. meaning B. message C. sense D. explanation5. I am sorry to inform you that I have no choice to refuse your application.A. and B. than C. but D. rather6. They did not find to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.A. worth they while B. it worthwhile C. it worth D. it worthy7. She is a very secretary; she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.A. anxious B. effective C. adequate D. efficient8. If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, would be getting sick.A. a lot of more us B. more a lot of us C. a lot of us more D. a lot more of us9. It was not until he had come near his home suddenly remembered what his wife told him to do in the morning.A. did he B. had he C. that he D. when he10. His mother usually has an apple for at the end of a dinner because she firmly believes that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ”A. from B. desert C. deserte D. desertion11.We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came view.A. from B. in C. before D. into 12. A subject is the effect of acid rain on human health.A. which continues to be intense debate B. what continues to be intense debateC. on which it continues to be intense debateD. on which there continues to be intense debate13. He hardly seems middle-aged, old.A. much the less B. rather than C. other than D. let alone14. The doctor told Penny that too much to the sun is bad for the skin.A. exposure B. extension C. exhibition D. expansion15. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you advertisements showing happy, balanced families.A. are often seeing B. often see C. will often see D. have often seen16. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, something occurred which attracted my attention.A. unless B. has been C. when D. while17. Ever since Picasso’s painting went on exhibit, there large crowds at the museum every day.A. is B. has been C. have been D. are being18. might be expected, the respons...
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内容预览: 1 《中国教育改革和发展纲要》提出,中小学要由“应试教育”转向全面提高国民素质的轨道。请你结合我省实际,谈谈当前应采取发些主要措施在解决这一问题上有所突破? 【答题要点】: (1)首先要抓好教育观念的转变,树立正确的教育思想。 (2)全面贯彻党的教育方针,加强德育工作,全面落实...
一、单项选择题 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 C 11 C 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 B 19 C 20 C 21 C 22 A 23 B 24 A 2...
满分:100分 时限:150分钟 题号〖 〗 总分〖 〗 核分人〖 〗 一、注意事项 1申论考试是对考生阅读理解能力、综合分析能力、提出和解决问题能力、文字表达能 力的测试。 2作答参考时限:阅读资料40分钟,作答110分钟。...
2005年国家公务员考试公共基础知识全真模拟题(二) - 论 坛 登 录 - 用 户: 密 码: - 邮 件 订 阅 - (在下框中输入EMAIL地址) 查阅往日邮件列表 - 考 试 书 店 - http: yuloo 发表时间:200...
一、单项选择题。 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 B 11 C 12 B 13 A 14 B 15 B 16 B 17 D 18 B 19 D 20 C 21 D 22 A 23 C 24 C...
1 你有一个非常好的工作设想,你经过实际调查认为这个设想既科学,又可行,但你的领导和同事们很固执,你采取什么办法说服他们与你合作? 2 在你朋友当中,有两位朋友由于发生一些矛盾而中断往来,如果需要协调,你会如何做? 3 谈谈你的个人简历和家庭情况。...
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第一部分 数量关系(共25题,参考时限20分钟)一、数字推理:给你一个数列,但其中缺少一项,要求你仔细观察数列的排列规律,然后从四个供选择的选项中选择你认为最合理的一项,来填补空缺项,使之符合原数列的排列规律。1.2,6,18,54,()A.162 B 108 C 72...
一、单项选择题(下列各题所给选项中只有一个符合题意的正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分。本部分共30题,共30分。) 1 在党的十六大政治报告中总结13年以来的基本经验,第一条就是( ) A 坚持以邓小平理论为指导,不断推进理论创新 B 坚持改革开放,把社会主义现代化事业推向前进 C 坚...
安徽省2005年公考的申论为人才市场的造“假”现象,其中涉及三个方面的“假”:一是求职者的假文凭、假证件。二是招聘单位的“假”:以假招聘敛财;以招聘窃取商业机密;以招聘之名,行打广告之实;虚假广告,诱人上当;桃戴李僵,冒名招聘……三是中介组织,非法中介,发布虚假信息等。 试题为二道:第一道题就是归纳...