
GMAT试题库 2021-06-17 网络整理 可可


        1、 一个圆以原点为圆心,一条直线与它相切与(-根号2,根号2),问该直线斜率  答案:1

  2、 一个圆以原点为圆心,1为半径,一个直线过原点且斜率为1,问与它交于下列哪个点。答案:(根号2/2,根号2/2)

  3、to bid a project, the cost includes material cost and labor cost, ask the percentage of x"s bid cost to y"s bid cost?
  a.x"s costs are 20% higher than labor costs and 10% higher than material costs.
  b. of total costs", y"s 60% are labor costs.
  (今天让我最头疼的一道题,和去年2月的73th jj不同, 犹豫半天,选了个e)

  4、给出一个table, 上面是八个国家的per####, 问能得出下面的什么。(简单,都是基本数字对比,送分题)

  5、一种酒,用bottle装,用船运给买家。单价40$, 买n瓶时,需要付的钱有包括酒价和运费,运费又包括两部分,一是全部酒价的5%,二是每运一船的5$.问,如果最后算出每瓶酒包括运费在内的实际价格小于42.5$, n 最小是多少. 答案:11

  6、x1<x2<x3<x4<x5, 问x1是多少

  7、 x/2为整数,x/3是整数,问x能不能被12整除

  8、几张牌 分别是 35 28 64 57 (数字不准),抽出一张,问剩下的range 是多少。
  1)  抽出的是5的倍数
  2)  抽出的是odd number.
  差点就选a了,应选d. 问的是range.(最大和最小的都是even )

  9、a company ‘s profit increased x percent in 1980 than 1975, and increased y percent in 1985 than in 1980, what percent increased in 1985 than 1975.
  1)   x+y=4
  2)  (1+x/100)( 1+y/100)=4

  10、the area of a round pool is 63, and the area of a passage around the pool is 18, ask the width of the passage is most approximate to which of the following answer
  2.0   1.5    1.0  1.3
  要知道根号7的值,可是把我算死了,我选了1.0 还有一题要知道根号10,大家记一下,免得到时候抓狂

  11、to bid a project, the cost includes material cost and labor cost, ask the percentage of x"s bid cost to y"s bid cost?
  a.x"s costs are 20% higher than labor costs and 10% higher than material costs.
  b. of total costs", y"s 60% are labor costs.

  12、前n个奇数的和是n^2,问从25到79的基数和是多少?a 39^2-11^2   b 39^2-12^2  c 40^2 - 12^2
  d 79^2-22^2 e 80^2- 23^2. 不知道是不是我没看懂题目,反正觉得答案都不对。胡猜了一个,看后面有没有人能补充吧。

  13、一个圆形池塘,面积63pai, 在其外围包围一条宽度一样的小路,该小路的面积是18pai,问小路的宽度最接近多少,其实就是一个圆环。我记得答案是通过9-3根号7推断近似值。

  14、x divided by 5, the remainder is 3, divided by 7 remainder is 4; y divided by 5 remainder 3, divided by 7 the remainder is 4, if x>y, then the difference must be ?我选35。



  17、一种电池,标价1.25刀,使用寿命为5小时,现在更新为可用6.9小时,标价为1.50刀,问the percentage increase of the price-duration ratio (问题不能完全回忆起来了)

  18、一个cube,求体积  (1)他的边长之和为36  (2)他的表面积为54


  20、x=5,根号下x4-x2-5/x4-7 等于几

  21、 30 个苹果, 12 各坏的,问好的苹果与坏的苹果的比率。

  22、 一个公司02 年的收入是d dollars, 03年增长了10%, 04年降低了25%。问04 年的收入与01年之比。

  23、 一共有12个老师,会法语的6个,剩下的会德语的或者西班牙语。 选4个人,至少有1个会法语的组合多少?

  24、 x>5?  1) x的绝对值大于5 2)x>-2/7

  25、 1-0.000001=?  选项之中有 1。001乘以0。999

  1)12是它的中数 2) median 可以被6整除

  27、 一个小的正方形镶嵌在大的中间,它的边与大的两条夹边形成了直角三角形。小正方形边长为3,直角三角形一边为2。 问大正方形的周长。(有图,看了就会做了)

  28、 ps. (1/(根号5 -根号10))^2) =?  
  answer: -3-2根号2

  29、ps. p and r are different prime number, how many different factors for ps^2?
  answer :6

  30、ps. water tank is filled in via constant rate at 3 cubic feet per minute, we noticed the water tank’s height increase at the constant rate with 0.1 foot per minute. what’s the following is close most to tank’s radius?
  3 feet, 4 feet, 5 feet, 6 feet etc. i chose 3 feet. need to know the square root of 10, i guess.

  31、     ds. |x| <5?
  a: x<5
  b: x>-10
  i chose e.

  32、ds. order t-shirt, the total cost consists of $3.95 shipping fee and then $29.95 for each t-shirt. how many t-shirt were ordered?
  a: total cost between 280 and 300;
  b: total cost between 300 and 330.; (not sure the exact number)
  此题不难, 但要计算, 考试时我可没情绪细算, 粗略算一下, 我选d, 好象只能有一个整数.

  33、ds. 买邮票, one kind is 32 cent, another one is 23 cent. how many 32cent stamp?
  a: the number of 32 cents stamps is twice of  23 cents;
  b: total cost is 87 cents.
  i chose b.
  34、ps, total 6 persons, 分成三组, 各两人, 研究三个课题. 有几种组合?   i 选 90.

  35、斜率. 问一条线斜率是否等于零?
  a: 经过点(0,2);
  b. 此线平行x 轴;
  i 选 b;

  36、which following equation has exact one point with x and y are integers?
  y=x *根号3
  i chose y=x *根号3

  37、ds. this one is tricky, what’s the value of x?
  a: 3x +4y =16
  b: 9x+12y=48
  i chose e. since both equations are same.

  38、ds: during each day last week, a person(john?)get paid at $12 each hour for the first 8 hours and then 1.5times of this rate each hour after 8 hours. how many hours did john work last tuesday?
  a: on tuesday, john workd more than 4 hours than monday, and got $48 more paid.
  b: on wednesday,john workd more than 3 hours than tuesday, and got $??(i forgot, sorry) more paid;
  这题很麻烦, 因为还有分数的工作小时数, 组合情况太多.我考虑了一会, 随便选了个e.这题跟数字有很大关系, 大家可以考虑思路.但如果有分数,就很难判断.所以我选了e. 仅供参考.

  39、ds: woman:man:children =5:2:7, how many woman?
  a: total of woman and children are 12;
  b: there are fewer than 4 for men.
  i chose d.

  40、 ps. a budget $d, 1/3 invest in stocks, 2/3 invest in bonds, after one year, stock got profit of x percent, bond got loss of y percent. x=4y. in terms of d and x, what"s the dollor of total loss or profit after one year?
  选项有5个,注意前3个是profit, 后两个是loss, 算仔细应该不会出错.

  41、  ps. a company selll a product. the profit increased to 25 prcent of the cost from 20 percent of cost after adjusting to new selling price. the new price is $80, the cost is not changed. ask the old price?
  answer: $76.8

  42、ps. in an organization, 40% woman. and of these 30% are 40 years old or more than 40 years old. if the men in this organization are 1800, how many women are 40year &above 40 year old?
  i remember is 360.

  43、ps. x and y are unit digit and tens digit, repectively, of (123456789)^2. which following are ture?
  i. x=1
  ii. y=2
  iii. y=4.
  i chose i and ii.

  44、ds. a complex includes 2 br apartment and 3 br apartment, with rent of $500 and $800 repsectively. how many 3 br apartment in this complex?
  a: 2 br is twice of 3 br.
  b. the total rent is $?? (a number)
  i chose c.

  45、 ds. three positive number, the median is 5, is the average greater than median?
  a: the least of these number is 1;
  b. the greatest number of these numbers is 10;
  i chose b.

  46、gwd. mary persuade her firend to donate $500 for a compaign 那题. 各位可以去查, 一样的.

  ps.each segment from a to g has equal distance.  which of the following point represents [-(3^12)] ?(重复三次)
  (a) a;  (b) b;  (c) c;  (d) d;  (e) e;
  作者答案: (d)
  橙子评价: 同意. g点到f点的距离是:3^12-3^11=2*3^11即每一小段距离

  48、2004年第29. ds.x^2 +2qx+ r =0 , ask for the numbers of intersection with x-axis.(重复两次)
  a: q^2>r
  b: r^2>q

  49、2005年1月jj第345、ds: 如图, a,b,c,d 四线相交(注意没有说 a,b 平行), x, y, w,z 为夹角, 问 x+y<180度? 1) 忘了; 2) x+y>180度.



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