Ⅰ. Choose the best answer for each blank (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)
1.Carry-out restaurants often serve fast foods; customers place their _________ at a counter and then “take-out” the food to wherever they wish to eat.
A. menus B. orders
C. demands D. reservations
2.Traditionally the hotel industry has looked at _________ as a measure of success.
A. specialty B. occupancy
C. availability D. low cost
3.The European Union was established to foster economic _________ among the countries of Western Europe.
A. integration B. combination
C. acquisition bsp; D. normalization
4.One element of the decision support systems is a software that permits easy _________ between users of the system and the database and model base.
A. reaction B. operation
C. response D. interaction
5. _________ consumption is a phrase coined by Thorstein Veblen, a prominent American social theorist and economist who died in 1929.
A. Conspicuous B. Suspicious
C. Obvious D. Outstanding
6.Operational managers are lower-level managers who _________ the operations of the organization.
A. conduct B. supervise
C. advise D. adjust
7.Various _________ can provide information helpful in forecastingthe future.
A. courses B. causes
C. sources D. resources
8.Many researchers agree that organizations usually perform better if they implement more concentric _________ strategy in which businesses are somewhat related to one another.
A. simplification B. complication
C. diversification D. certification
9.Chrismatic leaders are _________ and have a strong conviction in the moral righteousness of their beliefs.
A. self-reliant B. self-taught
C. self-service D. self-confident
10.Knowing a few fundamental _________ of persuasion will help you convince others to adopt your viewpoint.
A. disciples B. principles
C. disciplines D. principals
Ⅱ. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)
The 11 communication means not only that the receiver provides feedback but also that the sender is receptive to and responds to the 12 . In these constructive exchanges, information is 13 between both parties rather than delivered from one person to the other. One-way communication is much more 14 than it should be because it is faster and easier for the 15 . The busy executive finds it easier to dash off a memo than to discuss the issue with the subordinate. Also he doesn’t have to deal with questions or be challenged by someone who 16 strongly with what the memo says. Two-way communication is more difficult and 17 than one-way communication. 18 , it is more accurate; thus, fewer mistakes occur and fewer problems 19 . Receivers have a chance to ask questions, share concerns, make suggestions or modifications, and consequently understand more precisely 20is being communicated and what they should do with the information.
11.A. one way B. one-way C. two ways D. two-way
12.A. information B. answer C. reply D. feedback
13.A. supplied B. shared C. applied D. compared
14.A. common B. influential C. unusual D. specific
15.A. manager B. subordinate C. receiver D. sender
16.A. agrees B. disagrees C. supports D. opposes
17.A. time savingB. consuming time C. time-consuming D. saving-time
18.A. What’s more B. Furthermore C. Instead D. However
19.A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse
20.A. what B. which C. that D. who
Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item) 阅读下列短文,根据短文,在每个问题后所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(每小题2分,共30分)
Passage One
More traditional approaches to studying leadership are the trait approach, the behavioral approach, and the situational approach.
The trait approach is the oldest leadership perspective and was dominant for several decades. This approach seems logical for studying leadership: It focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics (traits) that great leaders share. What set Winston&n
Churchill, Alexander the Great, Gandhi, Napoleon, and Martin Luther King apart from the crowd? The trait approach assumes the existence of a leadership personality and that leaders are born not made. But the perspective of the 1990s is that although some personality traits do distinguish effective leaders from other people, a person need not be born with these traits, but can strive to acquire them. These traits may include drive, leader- ship motivation, integrity, self-confidence, knowledge of the business, and the ability to perceive the needs and goals of followers and to adjust one’s personal leadership approach accordingly.
The behavioral approach attempts to identify what good leaders do. Should leaders focus on getting the job done or on keeping their followers happy? Should they make decisions autocratically or democratically? In the behavioral approach, personal characteristics are considered less important than the behaviors leaders exhibit. Three general categories of leadership behavior have received particular attention: behaviors related to task performance, group maintenance, and employee participation in decision making.&nb
According to proponents of the situational approaches to leadership, universally important traits and behaviors don’t exist. They believe effective leader behaviors vary from situation to situation. The leader should first analyze the situation and then decide what to do. In other words, look before you lead.
21.What does the word “trait” in the 1st paragraph mean?
A. Ability. B. Trade.
C. Trial. D. Characteristic.
22.Which of the following approaches is considered to be the oldest leadership perspective?
A. The trait approach. B. The traditional approach.
C. The behavioral approach. D. The situational approach.
23.What does the trait approach assume?
A. Leaders are born. B. Leaders are made.
C. Personality traits can be acquired. D. There’s no leadership personality24.Which of the following isn’t the traditional approach to the study of leadership?
A. Study of leaders’ personal characteristics.
B. Study of leaders’ conduct.
C. Study of the environment of leaders.
D. Study of leaders’ magic power.
25.What’s the author’s attitude toward these traditional approaches?
A. He agrees with them.
B. He criticizes the situational approach.
C. He criticizes the behavioral approach.
D. He introduces them objectively.
Passage Two
The danger of being sued by a client for problems created by an intermediary has forced travel agents and such suppliers as airlines to seek protection through insurance and the use of disclaimers. A disclaimer is a statement that is written into a contract explaining that the travel agent or supplier will not be liable for acts or errors of wholesalers and other third parties, such as tour guides and chauffeurs. To be fully protected, a disclaimer normally must be presented to the client both in writing and orally.
Travel agents and suppliers have found that it is important to review carefullyall of the advertising and promotional materials they give to clients to make certain the wording in such material does not negate their disclaimers. It is natural for a travel agency to want to convince clients that it is professional and offers dependable service; however, such claims may create problems if they should prove untrue. For example, an agency called the Four Winds Travel Agency once stated the following in its advertising:
Four Winds also guarantees that every tour will be escorted by a qualified professional tour director. Our directors are carefully selected and trained. Your Four Winds jet tour is an escorted tour. From the moment you leave until your journey ends, you are cared for by a carefully selected Four Winds Tour Escort.
A client purchased a 47-day tour for a Four Winds tour to South America. During her visit to Brazil she was being transported in a boat on the Amazon River near Manaus. The boat was not owned by Four Winds, and the guide was not a Four Winds employee. As the boat docked at Manaus, the client slipped an
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