焊点 welding spot熔核 nugget
熔核直径 diameter of nugget
塑性金属环区corona bond
焊透率penetration rate
压痕深度depth of indentation
压深率indentation ratio
翘离sheet separation
缩孔shrinkage cavity
电极粘损electrode pick up
喷溅splash/ expulsion
飞边upset metal/ fin
焊点距weld spacing/ spot weld spacing
边距edge distance
分流shunt current
接触电阻contact resistance
电阻焊机resistance welding machine
点焊机spot welding machine
多点焊机multiple spot welding machine
移动式点焊机portable spot welding machine
缝焊机seam welding machine
纵横两用缝焊机universal seam welder
对焊机butt resistance welding machine
凸焊机projection welding machine
三相低频焊机three phase low frequency welder
二次整流电阻焊机direct current resistance welder secondary rectification
电容储能电阻焊机condenser discharge resistance welder
电容储能点焊机condenser type spot welder/ capacitor spot welding machine
工频电阻焊机mains frequency resistance welding machine
低频电阻焊机frequency converter resistance welding machine
高频焊机high frequency induction welder
逆变式电阻焊机inverter type resistance welding machine
全波阻焊电源full wave resistance welding power source
斩波阻焊电源chopped wave resistance welding power source
旋转焊接变压器rotary welding transformer
点焊钳spot welding head
c形点焊钳c-type welding head/ c-type gun
x形点焊钳pincer spot welding head/ pliers spot welding head
同步断续器synchronous contactor
异步断续器non-synchronous contactor
程序时间调节器sequencer timer
电极握杆electrode holder
电极台板backup die/ bolster
电极水冷管electrode cooling tube
电极头electrode tip
电极帽electrode cap
锥头电极truncated tip electrode
平头电极flat tip electrode
尖头电极pointed tip electrode
球面电极radius tip electrode
偏心电极offest electrode
直电极straight electrode
弯电极cranked electrode
双弯电极double cranked (swannecked) electrode
滚轮电极circular electrode/ welding wheel
斜棱滚轮电极bevelled wheel
顶锻机构upsetting mechanism
电极总行程total electrode stroke
工作行程operational stroke
辅助行程electrode travel/ electrode stroke
臂间距离horn spacing/ throat opening
电极臂伸出长度arm extension
摩擦焊friction welding (fw)
转速friction speed
摩擦压力friction pressure/ heating pressure
摩擦转矩friction torque
摩擦时间friction time
摩擦变形量burn-off length
摩擦变形速度burn-off rate
停车时间stopping time
顶锻变形量forge length
顶锻变形速度forge rate
摩擦表面friction surface
储能摩擦焊fly-wheel type friction welding
径向摩擦焊radial friction welding
扩散焊diffusion welding (dw)
过渡液相扩散焊transient liquid phase diffusion welding
热等静压扩散焊hot isotatic pressure diffusion welding
热轧扩散焊roll diffusion welding
扩散缝焊seam diffusion welding
超塑成形扩散焊supperplastic forming diffusion bounding
隔离剂buttering material
爆炸焊explosive welding (ew)
爆炸点焊explosive spot welding
爆炸线焊explosive line welding
多层板爆炸焊explosive welding of multiplayer plates
多层管爆炸焊explosive welding of multiplayer tubes
覆板(覆管)cladding plat (tube)/ flyer plate (tube)
基板(基管)base plate(tube)/ parent plate (tube)
保护层buffer/ protector
预置角preset angle
间距initial stand-off/ spacing
装药量explosive load
装药密度charge density/ loading density
质量比mass ratio
平行法parallel plate configuration
角度法preset angle configuration
均匀布药average arranging explosive
梯形布药gradient arranging explosive
爆炸焊参数explosive welding parameters
初始参数initial parameters
动态参数dynamic parameters
界面参数interface parameters
爆轰速度detonation velocity
覆板速度cladding plate velocity
碰撞点impact point
碰撞点速度velocity of the impact point
弯折角bending angle
碰撞角collision angle
碰撞压力impact pressure
格尼能gurney energy
垂直碰撞normal impact
倾斜碰撞oblique impact/ inclined impact
对称碰撞symmetrical impact
来流upper stream
出流down stream
再入射流re-entrant jet
自清理oneself cleaning
结合区bond zone
平面结合plane bond
波状结合wave-like bond
界面波长length of the interfacial wave
界面波幅amplitude of the interfacial wave
熔化层molten layer
熔化袋molten pocket
雷管区detonator zone
边界效应edge effect
焊接性窗口weldability windows
焊着率ratio of welding area
起爆方法method of initiation
内爆法internal explosion process
外爆法external explosion process
半圆柱试验法semi-cylinder experiment method
超声波焊ultrasonic welding (uw)
超声波点焊ultrasonic spot welding
超声波缝焊ultrasonic seam welding
超声波点焊机ultrasonic spot welder
超声波缝焊机ultrasonic seam welder
冷压焊cold pressure welding (cpw)
热压焊hot pressure welding
热轧焊hot roll welding
旋弧压力焊rotating arc pressure welding
埋弧压力焊submerged arc pressure welding
电渣压力焊electroslag pressure welding
气压焊gas pressure welding
锻焊forge-welding/ blacksmith welding
磁力脉冲焊magnetic-pulse welding
烙铁钎焊iron soldering
火焰钎焊torch brazing/ torch soldering
热风钎焊hot gas soldering
感应钎焊induction brazing
电阻钎焊resistance brazing
接触反应钎焊contact-reaction brazing
电弧钎焊arc brazing
浸渍钎焊dip brazing/ dip soldering
盐浴钎焊saltbath dip brazing (soldering)
金属浴钎焊molten metal bath dip brazing
炉中钎焊furnace brazing/ furnace soldering
保护气氛钎焊brazing in controlled atmosphere
真空钎焊vacuum brazing
蒸气钎焊vapor phase soldering
超声波钎焊ultrasonic soldering
扩散钎焊diffusion brazing
波峰钎焊flow soldering/ wave soldering
分级钎焊step brazing/ step soldering
不等间隙钎焊brazing with the unparalleled clearance
红外线钎焊infra-red brazing (soldering)
光束钎焊light soldering (brazing)
激光钎焊laser brazing (soldering)
电子束钎焊electron beam brazing
钎料brazing filler metal/ solder
硬钎料brazing filler metal
软钎料solder (m)
自钎剂钎料self-fluxing brazing alloy/ self-fluxing filler metal
活性钎料active filler metal/ active metal brazing alloy
成形钎料preformed filler metal/ solder preform
非晶态钎料amorphous filler metal
粉状钎料powdered filler metal
钎料膏braze cream/ braze paste/ solder cream/ solder paste
药皮钎料 flux coated brazing(soldering)rod
层状钎料 sandwich filler metal
药芯钎料丝 flux-cored colder wire
敷钎料板 clad brazing sheet
钎剂 brazing flux; soldering flux
气体钎剂 gas flux
反应钎剂 reaction flux
松香钎剂 colophony flux; rosin flux
钎剂膏 flux paste
阻流剂 stopping-off agent
钎剂活性 flux activity
钎剂活性温度范围 activation temperature range of flux
钎剂热稳定性thermal stability of flux
钎焊过程 brazing (soldering) process
钎焊操作 brazing (soldering) operation
工艺镀层 technological coating
钎焊面 faying face
钎缝间缝 joint gap; joint clearance
钎焊参数 brazing process variables
钎焊温度 brazing temperature
钎焊时间 brazing time
钎焊保温时间 holding time of brazing
钎缝 brazing seam; soldering seam
钎缝界面区 interfacial region
钎缝金属 brace metal
钎角 fillet
钎焊接头 braced joint; soldered joint
平面搭接头 joggled lap joint; flush lap joint
搭接对接接头 butt and lap joint
搭接t形接头 lapped t-joint; flanged t-joint
锁缝接头 folded joint
平面锁缝接头 lick side seam joint; flat lock seam joint
锁缝角接接头 lock corner joint; corner double seam
嵌入t形接头 inset t joint
t形管接头 branch t saddle joint
套管接头 socket joint
外喇叭口套管接头 flare tube fitting
扩口套管接头 spigot joint
钎焊性 brazability; solderability
润湿性 wettability
润湿角 wetting angle; contact angle
铺展性 spreadability
铺展系数 spread factor; coefficient of spreading
钎着率 brazed rate
脱钎 de-brazing; de-soldering
润湿称量试验 wetting balance test
铺展性试验 spreadability test
填缝性试验 clearance fillability test
未钎透 incomplete penetration
虚钎 cold soldered joint
钎料熔析 liquation of filler metal
溶蚀 erosion
钎料流失 brazing filler metal erosion
钎剂夹杂 flux inclusion
晶间渗入 intergranular penetration
波峰钎焊机 wave soldering machine
冷壁真空钎焊炉 cold wall type vacuum brazing
热壁真空钎焊炉 hot wall type vacuum brazing furnace
钎焊盒 brazing retort
钎剂涂敷器 fluxer
钎炬 brazing (soldering) blowpipe
喷灯 brazing lamp
烙铁 solder iron
热喷涂 thermal spraying
火焰喷涂 flame spraying
电弧喷涂 electric arc spraying
等离子喷涂 plasma spraying
高频感应喷涂 high frequency spraying
气体爆燃式喷涂 detonation flame spraying
金属喷涂 metal spraying; metallizing
塑料喷涂 plastic spraying
陶瓷喷涂 ceramic spraying
喷熔 spray-fusing
表面粗糙化处理 surface roughening
电火花拉毛 electrospark roughening
抛锚效应 anchoring
喷涂层 spray-fused coating
喷熔层 spray-fused coating
结合层 bond coating; under coating
工作层 work coating
结合强度 adhesive strength
涂层强度 strength of coating
封孔处理 sealing
封孔剂 sealant
喷涂率 spray rate
沉积效率 deposition efficiency
孔隙率 porosity
喷涂材料 spraying material
自熔剂合金粉末 self-fluxing alloy powder
喷炬(枪)spray torch;
热切割 thermal cutting (tc)
气割 gas cutting; oxygen cutting
氧溶剂切割 powder cutting
氧-石英砂切割 quartz powder cutting
电弧切割 arc cutting
氧气电弧切割 oxy-arc cutting
空气电弧切割 air arc cutting
等离子弧切割 plasma arc cutting (pac)
空气等离子弧切割 air plasma arc cutting
氧等离子切割 oxygen plasma arc cutting
水再压缩空气等离子弧切割 air plasma water injection arc cutting
双层气流等离子弧切割 dual gas plasma arc cutting; shielded gas plasma arc cutting
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