y开头的课程压力焊 pressure welding
压缩机测试技术 compression test technique
压缩机汽阀 steam valve of compressor
压缩机制冷技术 technology of compressor refrigeration
压缩机制冷原理 principle of compressor refrigeration
压缩机制造工艺学 technology of compressor manufacturing
牙科科学 dentistry
牙科卫生学 dental sciences
眼科学 ophthalmology
氧化锌避雷器 zinc-oxide arrester
遥感技术 remote sensing techniques
遥感图象数字处理 remote sense picture and digit processing
药理学 pharmacology
药物化学 pharmaceutical chemistry
药物化学研究方法 pharmaceutical chemical research methods
野生生物学 wildlife biology
叶轮机原理 principle of gas turbine
叶片泵设计 paddle pump designing
叶栅理论 theories of cascades
液晶化学 liquid crystal chemistry
液力传动 fluid transmission
液体静压技术 liquid static-press technique
液体力学及液压传动 fluid dynamics and hydraulic power transmission
液压测试技术 hydraulic test technique
液压传动 hydraulic transmission
液压传动系统 hydraulic power transmission system
液压传动系统设计 hydraulic power transmission system designing
液压概论 introduction to hydrdulics
液压流体力学 hydro-mechanics
液压伺服系统 hydrauservo system
液压随动系统 hydrawlic slave system
液压系统的模拟机分析 analysis of simulator of hydraulic system
液压系统课程设计 course design of hydraulic system
液压系统数字仿真 digital imitation in hydraulic system
液压系统污染控制 pollution control in hydraulic system
液压元件 hydraulic elements
液压元件课程设计 course exerciese in hydraulic elements
医学 medicine
医学电子学 medical electronics
医学分子生物学 medical molecular biology
医学技术 medical technology
医学生物化学 medical biochemistry
医学生物化学技术 techniques of medical biochemistry
医学微生物学 medical microbiology
医学信息学 medical informatics
医学遗传学 medical genetics
医用电子学 electronics for medicine
仪表可靠性 meter reliability
仪表零件及结构 meter elements & structure
仪器电路设计 instrument circuit designing
仪器分析 instrumental analysis
仪器分析实验 instrumental analysis experiment
仪器物理 instrumental physics
仪器物理学 instrumental physics
仪器制造工艺 instrument manufacturing technique
仪用运放电路 instrument transporting circuitry
移动通信 moving communication
遗传工程 genetics engineering (ge)
遗传学 genetics
阴影透视 shadow and perspective
音乐基础理论 basis theory of music
音乐欣赏 music appreciation
银行会计 bank accounting
银行经营管理 bank trade administrator
银行外汇业务 bank foreign exchange affairs
银行信贷 bank credits
银行信贷管理 bank credit management
引进利用外资 introduction of foreign investment
印刷输出设备设计原理 principle of printing out/put equipment designing
应用表面化学 applied surface chemistry
应用电化学 applied electrochemistry
应用光学 applied optics
应用光学课程设计 course design of applied optics
应用光学设计 applied optics design
应用光学实验 experiment on applied optics
应用化学 applied chemistry
应用计量学 applied metrology
应用胶体与表面化学 application colloid & superficial chemistry
应用解剖 applied anatomy
应用经济计量学 applied economic metrology
应用软件基础 basic applied software
应用软件与数据库 applied software & database
应用生物学 applied biology
应用统计学 applied statistics, statistics application
应用物理实验 experiment of applied physics
应用写作 applied composition
英国文学史 history of british literature
英国文学作品选读 selected readings of british literature
英汉翻译 english-chinese translation
英汉口译 english-chinese oral interpretation
英美报刊选读 selected british & american newspaper readings
英美概况 british & american culture and society
英美外台选听 selected listenings of british & american broadcast
英美文化背景 cultural background of britain & america
英美文学史 history of british & american literature
英美文学作品选读 selected readings of british & american literature
英文打字 typing in english
英文贸易书信 english trading letters
英语 english, english language
英语词汇学 english lexicology
英语泛读 extensive reading
英语函电 business english correspondence
英语精读 intensive reading
英语口语 oral english practice
英语视听 english videos
英语听力 english listening comprehension
英语听力与口语 english listening comprehension & oral training
英语听说训练 english practice on listening & speaking
英语写作 english writing
英语学习技巧 english studying skills
英语应用写作 english application writing
英语影视 english movies & tv
英语语法 english grammar
英语语法流派 schools of english grammar
英语语言学导论 introdnction to general lingnistics
英语语言专题讲座 current issues in language research and education
英语语音 english phonetics
英语阅读 english reading
英语阅读与技巧 english reading & skills
英语专题研究 english special research
营销案例分析 case studies of marketing
营销调研 marketing research
营销管理 marketing management
营销管理与分析 marketing management and analysis
营销决策与分析 marketing decision and analysis
营销预测与规划 marketing forecasting and planning
影视课 movies & tv series
影视美学 movies & tv aesthetics
优化技术基础 basis of optimal technique
优化设计 optimal design
有机合成化学 synthetic organic chemistry
有机合成及实验 organic synthesize & experiment
有机化学 organic chemistry
有机化学实验 organic chemistry experiment
有机体生物学 organismal biology
有色金属 colored & fine metal alloy
有限元法 finite element
有限元法及应用 finite element & its application
有限元及其在内燃机中应用 application of finite element ic engine
有限元与边界元分析方法 analytical method of finite element and boundary element
语法 syntax
语言学概论 introduction to linguistics
语义学 semantics
语音练习 practice on phonetics
语音信号处理 speech signal processing
语音学基础 basis of phonetics
预测方法与预测技术 forecasting methods and skills
预测技术 predicting technique
预测与决策 predicting and policy-making
预防医学 preventive medicine
预算会计 budget accountancy, budget accounting
园林设计 garden designing
原理设计 principle design
原子物理学 atomic physics
源流理论与计算方法 principle & computing method of source flow
远动技术 motion technology
阅读与技巧 reading & skills
运筹学 operational research
运筹学 operational research
运动生物学 exercise physiology
藻类生理生态学 ecological physiology in algae
藻类生态学 ecology in algae
造型材料 modeling material
造型材料及基础 material & basis of modeling
噪声原理及分析 principle & analysis of noise
粘弹性力学 viscous elastic mechanics
粘性流体力学 viscous fluid mechanics
粘性守恒律解的稳定性 stability of solutions for viscous conservation laws
战略管理 strategic management
哲学 philosophy
真空冷冻干燥技术 vacuum freezing & drying technology
真空物理与技术 vacuum physics technology
真空与薄膜技术 vacuum & thin film technology
振动分析与测试 vibration analysis & testing
振动理论 theory of vibration
振动理论与测试 theory & testing of vibration
振动学 vibration
蒸汽动力装置 steam power equipment
证券投资学 security analysis and investment
证券与期货投资 securities & futures investment
政法经济学 politics & law economics
政经与国际关系 politics
政治经济学 plutonomy, political economics
政治理论 political theories
政治学 politics
知识产权学 theory of knowledge property right
知识工程原理 principles of knowledge engineering
直流调速系统 direct current governor system
直流调整系统 direct current adjustive system
直流输电 direct current transmission
植物生理生化 plant biochemistry
植物生物学 plant physiology
植物学 botany
制冷低温测试技术 refrigeration & cryogenic testing technique
制冷及低温测试 refrigeration & cryogenic testing
制冷及低温技术 refrigeration & cryogenic technique
制冷技术 refrigeration technique
制冷技术与设备 refrigeration technique & equipment
制冷课程设计 refrigeration course design
制冷系统优化与节能 optimal refrigeration system & energy saving
制冷与空调 refrigeration & air-conditioning
制冷原理与设备 refrigeration principle & equipment
制冷装置及自动化 refrigeration equipment & automatization
治疗学 therapeutics
质量管理 quality management
质量管理工程学 quality management engineering
智能化仪表基础 basis of artificial intelligence meter
智能化仪器 artificial intelligence instrument
智能机器 artificial intelligence machinery
智能仪器 intelligent instruments
智能仪器设计与应用 design&application of artificial intelligence instrument
中共党史 history of the chinese communist party
中国传统文化与新文学 chinese traditional culture & new literature
中国传统文化专题 topics on chinese traditional culture
中国当代文学 chinese contemporary literature
中国当代文学史 history of chinese contemporary literature
中国法学概论 chinese law concept
中国革命史 history of chinese revolution
中国革命与建设史 history of chinese revolution & construction
中国古代建筑史 history of ancient chinese architecture
中国古代名著欣赏 appreciation of famous ancient chinese works
中国古代史 history of ancient china
中国古代文学 ancient chinese literary
中国古代文学作品选讲 selected readings of ancient chinese literary work
中国古典文学 classical chinese literature
中国古典小说名著选讲 selected readings of famous classical chinese novels
中国古典小说选讲 selected readings of classical chinese novels
中国画技巧 technique of chinese painting
中国建筑史 chinese architecture history
中国近代史 modern history of china
中国近现代经济史 history of recent & modern chinese economy
中国经济地理 chinese economic geography
中国经济与社会发展战略 chinese economy & social development strategy
中国历代诗歌选 selections of chinese poetry
中国美术欣赏 appreciation of chicese art
中国美学史 history of chinese aesthetics
中国社会学史 history of chinese sociology
中国社会主义建设 chinese socialist construction
中国诗话词话研究 research on chinese poetry & prose
中国税制 taxation system of china
中国文学 chinese literature
中国文学史 history of chinese literature
中国现代史 contemporary history of china
中国现代文学 contemporary literature of china
中国现代文学史 contemporary literature history of china
中国现代小说流派 schools of chinese contemporary novel
中国新闻事业史 history of chinese journalism
中国语文 chinese language
中级无机化学 medium inorganic chemistry
中级无机化学及实验 medium inorganic chemistry & experiment
中级无机化学实验 experiment on medium inorganic chemistry
中社建文献选读 selected readings of chinese socialist construction documents
中文信息处理 chinese information processing
中药新药研究与开发 study and exploitation of traditional chinese medicine
中英文打字与编排 typing & editing in english & chinese
中英文信息输入技术 technology of inputting in english & chinese
肿瘤免疫学 tumour immunology
仲裁法 arbitration law
轴流式压缩机 axial flow compressor
注塑工艺 shooting technique
铸钢及有色金属 steel-casting & colored metal
铸件成形理论 theory of casting forming
铸件形成理论基础 basis of cast forming theory
铸铁合金 cast iron alloy
铸铁熔炼 castiron melting
铸铁孕育 preparation of castiron
铸压加热设备 heating equipment for die casting
铸造测试技术 measuring technique for casting
铸造车间环境保护 environmental protection for casting shop
铸造车间机械化 casting shop mechanization
铸造车间设计原理 principle of casting shop design
铸造成形理论基础 basic of casting figuration theory
铸造工艺及设计 foundry technology
铸造工艺课程设计 foundry technology course design
铸造合金 casting alloy
铸造合金及熔炼 cast alloy & melting
铸造合金原理及熔炼 principles of cast alloy & melting
铸造化学 casting chemistry
铸造机构 casting mechanism
铸造机械设备 casting equipment of machine
铸造设备 casting equipment
铸造新工艺 new casting technique
专家系统 expert system
专利法 patent law
专利文献检索 the searches of patent literature
专利与商标 patent & trademark
专题研究 research on current issues
专题阅读或专题研究 the special subject study
专业概论 introduction to majors
专业设计 specialty design
专业设讨 specialty design & discussion
专业实习 specialty practice
专业实验 specialty experiment
专业文献综述 review on special information
专业物理实验 physics specialty experiment
专业英语 specialized english
专业英语 specialty english
专业英语阅读 specialty english reading
资本论选读 selected readings of on capital
资产评估 assets appraisal
自动测试系统 auto-test system
自动调节原理及水轮机调节 principle of automatic control & hydrogenerator re
自动化系统故障诊断 diagnosis of automation system error
自动检测技术 automatic measurement technique
自动检测技术与仪表 automatic measurement technique & meter
自动控制理论 theory of automatic control
自动控制系统 automatic control system
自动控制系统设计 design of automatic control system
自动控制与调节原理 principle of automatic control & regulation
自动控制元件 automatic control component
自动控制原理 principle of automatic control
自动显示仪表 meter of automatic display
自动装置 automatic equipment
自控实验 experiment on auto-control
自控系统 auto-control system
自然辩证法 natural dialectics
自然科学概论 introduction to natural science
自然智能与人工智能 natural intelligence and artificial intelligence
自适应控制 self adaptive control
综合实验 comprehensive experiment
综合听说 comprehensive listening & speaking
综合英语 comprehensive english
综合英语练习 comprehensive practice in english
租赁与信托 hiring and affiancing
足病医学 podiatric medicine
阻容元件 resistor-capacitor unit
组合数学 combinatorial mathematics
组织工程学 tissue engineering
组织社会学 sociology of organization
组织行为学 organization behavior
最优化 optimum theory
最优化方法 optimal method
最优化基础 basis of optimum
最优化技术 techniques of optimum
最优化理论与方法选讲 selections of optimal theories & methods
最优化设计方法 optimal design method
最优控制 optimal control
最优控制在经管中的应用 application of optimal control in economic managem
作品选读 selected readings
作文 composition
景 view,scenery,feature 远景 distant view 近景 nearby view 障景 obstructive scenery, blocking view 又称“抑景”。 借景 borrowed scenery,view borrowing 对景...
中国古典园林 classical chinese garden 中国传统园林 traditional chinese garden 中国古代园林 ancient chinese garden 中国山水园 chinese mountain and water garden 帝王宫苑 imperial...
旅游景点 tourist attraction; tourist destination; scenic spot; places of tourist attraction 自然景观 natural splendor attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 natio...
旅行 journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)旅游者 tourist旅行指南 itinerary旅行路线 route游览pleasure trip商务旅行business trip出境游 outbo...
railway; railroad 铁路 track 轨道 train 火车 locomotive火车头、机车 railway system, railway network 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopp...
到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何。此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议。 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅?could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?...
旅游英语视听说第二版课后答案|旅游英语:Eating In American (2)详细阅读
【常见的公共标志符号】机场常见的公共标志与说明(d e f)详细阅读
(d e f)danger 危险 do not pass 禁止超车 dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内 ems (邮政)特快专递 entrance 入口 exit 出口 exp:25032002...
1 交通规则 traffic regulation 2 路标 guide post 3 里程碑 milestone 4 停车标志 mark car stop 5 红绿灯 traffic light 6 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7 红灯...
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