rotator 转子rotatory inertia 旋转惯性
rotatory motion 转动
roto bollard 转筒式带缆桩
rotodynamic machine 涡轮机
rotor assembly 转子装配
rotor bearing reservoir 转子轴承油槽
rotor bearing 转子轴承
rotor blade 动叶片
rotor blade 转子叶片
rotor case 陀螺房
rotor casing 转子箱
rotor circuit 转子绕组
rotor cooling 转子冷却
rotor core 转子铁心
rotor drum 转鼓
rotor drum 转筒
rotor length 转子长度
rotor mast 旋筒桅风力推进器
rotor plate 电容器动片
rotor position micrometer 测量转子位置用千分尺
rotor pump 转子泵
rotor resistance starting 转子串电阻起动
rotor shaft 转子轴
rotor ship 旋筒式风力推进船
rotor spindle 转子起动器
rotor spindle 转子轴
rotor starter 转子起动器
rotor thrust balance piston 转子推力平衡活塞
rotor type 转子型式
rotor vane 转子叶片
rotor wheel 转子叶轮
rotor winding 转子绕组
rotor with salient poles 凸极转子
rotor 转子
rotor 转子转动体
rotory piston 旋转活塞
rototrol 自励放大器
rotten clause 解除保险责任条款
rotten ice 蜂巢冰
rotten ice 蜂巢冰蜂巢冰
rotten 腐败
rotten 腐败的
rotten 腐败腐败的
rotten 腐朽的
rotterdam antwerp pipeline 鹿特丹-安特卫普管路
rotterdam 鹿特丹
roude 橹柄
rouge 红铁粉
rough file 粗齿锉
rough spar 未加工的木杆
rough adjustment 粗调整
rough ammonia tankage 粗氮肥
rough and ready formula 近似公式
rough approximation 粗略近似
rough arrangement plan 概略布置图
rough arrangement 布置略图
rough bearing 近似方位
rough cargo 包装粗糙的货物
rough copy 草稿
rough cut 粗切削
rough cutting 粗切削
rough figure 大约数字
rough finish 粗加工
rough grinding 粗磨
rough grinding 粗研磨
rough ice 糙面冰
rough log book 航海日志
rough log 航海日志草本
rough logbook 值班记录草稿簿
rough lumber 未加工木材
rough machining 粗加工
rough mast 未加工木桅
rough match 粗配合
rough material 粗制材料
rough material 毛料
rough material 原材料
rough passage 遇风浪航行
rough plan 初步计划
rough plan 初步计划设计草图
rough plate 厚板
rough rule 近似法则
rough sea 大浪
rough sea 大浪五级浪
rough sea 风大浪急的海面
rough sea 五级浪
rough service lamp 防震灯
rough side 舱壁有防挠材的一面
rough sketch 草图
rough surface scale 粗糙表面氧化皮
rough surface 粗糙表面
rough surfaced blade 表面粗糙的叶片
rough swell 强涌
rough synchronizing 粗同步
rough timber 未加工原木材
rough timber 原木
rough tool 平缝刀
rough tuning 粗调谐
rough water performance 汹涛航行性能
rough water quality 耐波性
rough water 汹涛海面
rough waters 汹涌的海浪
rough weather trial 汹涛试航
rough weather 风暴天气
rough weather 坏天气
rough weight 毛重
rough 表面不平的
rough 粗糙的
rough 粗糙的;粗略的
rough 大浪
roughen 变粗糙
roughfile 粗齿锉
roughing cut 粗切削
roughing 粗加工粗糙
roughlogbook 值班记录草稿簿
roughness allowance 粗糙度裕度
roughness coefficient 粗糙度系数
roughness concentration 粗糙度
roughness drag 粗糙度阻力
roughness index 粗糙度指数
roughness magnitude 粗糙度
roughness meter 粗糙度表
roughness of surface 表面粗糙度
roughness resistance 粗糙度阻力
roughness 不平度
roughness 粗糙度
roughsea 风大浪急的海面
roughspar 未加工的木杆
roulette 压花刀具
round about 环行道
round aft 圆形船尾
round bar davit 旋转式吊艇柱
round bar 圆棒
round bar 圆钢
round battery 圆也池
round bilge construction 圆舭结构
round boiler tube brush 圆管刷
round bolt pin shackle 圆柱螺栓卸扣
round bottom construction 圆底结构
round bow 肥型船首
round brass rod 黄铜棒
round brass washer 黄铜垫圈
round brush 圆漆刷
round brush 圆刷
round charter 往返航程租船合同
round chisel 圆凿
round coarse file 粗圆锉
round collar pin shackle 眼环销螺丝卸扣
round copper rod 铜棒
round copper wire 圆铜丝
round die 圆板牙
round down 松开上下滑车
round down 松开上下滑车
round dozen 整打
round file 圆锉
round fixed light 圆形固定窗
round fuse 圆熔丝
round gunnel 圆形船缘
round gunwale 圆形舷缘
round haul net 围网
round head grooved bolt 圆头开槽螺栓
round head rivet 圆头铆钉
round head screw 圆头螺钉
round head square-neck bolt 圆头方颈螺栓
round head 圆头
round hole 圆孔
round house 船尾小室
round house 甲板室
round house 甲板室;上甲板船首附近厕所
round in 收拢
round in 收拢
round iron 圆铁
round key 圆键
round line 三股右旋绳
round line 大环索
round line 三股右旋绳
round manhole joint 圆人孔垫
round middle file 中圆锉
round nose chisel 圆口凿
round nose chisel 圆头凿
round nose pliers 圆咀钳
round nose pliers 圆头钳
round nose pliers 圆嘴钳
round numbers 整数
round of beam 梁拱
round of beam 梁拱梁拱
round of bilge 舭圆部
round off error 凑整误差
round off error 舍入误差
round off n. 促进入成整数
round off number 修整数
round off order 修整指令
round off sights 连续测天
round off 凑整
round off 促进入成整数
round paint brush 圆漆刷
round pin plug 圆脚插头
round pin shackle 带销子卸扣
round pliers 夹圆钳
round plug 圆插头
round rod 圆棒
round rod 圆棒圆钢
round rubber stripe 圆橡皮条
round scraper 圆刮刀
round screw die 圆螺丝板牙
round screw pin shackle 环眼销螺丝卸扣
round screw 圆头螺钉
round seam 卷缝
round seaming 卷缝
round seaming 卷缝法
round seizing 绕扎
round sennit 圆编
round smooth file 细圆锉
round socket 圆插座
round splice 顺纹插接
round split die 圆形拼合板牙
round spring washer 弹簧圆垫圈
round steel 圆钢
round stern 圆船尾
round stern 圆形船尾
round stock 圆料
round table 圆台
round tank 圆筒柜
round taper hole 圆锥形孔
round the bitt! 把绳绕上缆桩
round the bitt 上桩
round the drum! 把绳绕在卷绳筒上
round thimble 圆形心环
round timber 圆木
round top 下桅盘
round trip charter 往返程租合同
round trip charter 往返航程租船合同
round trip lease contract 往返租用契约
round trip lease 往返程租赁
round trip 往返航程
round trip 往返航次
round turn and elbow 抛双锚时船回转720°的锚链绞花
round turn and elbow 抛双锚时船回转720度的锚链绞花
round turn and half hitch 旋圆加半结
round turn and two half hitch 旋圆两半结
round turn and two half hitches 旋圆两半结
round turn andhalf hitch 旋圆加半结
round turn in the hawse 抛双锚时船回转540°的锚链绞花
round turn 绕一道
round up of beam 梁拱
round up 收拢;收紧辘绳;拱高
round up 收拢收紧辘绳拱高
round voyage 往返航程
round voyages charter 来回航次租船
round washer 圆垫圈
round way cock 海水旋塞
round way cock 通海阀
round way cock 通海旋塞
round wind 跟日风(英国初夏常有现象
round wood and logs from baltic and white sea ports of the u.s.s.r. 原苏联木材租船合同
round wood 圆木
round 弧形的
round 圆形的
round 圆形物
round 圆形物圆
round-bilge ship 圆舭船
round-bilge 圆舭的
round-head 圆头的
round-off accumulator 舍入误差累加器
round-rung ladder 带踏棒轻绳梯
round-rung ladder 圆棒索梯
round-trip 来回旅程的
roundabout transport 迂回运输
roundabout 环形航道
roundabout 环行道
roundbow 肥型船首
rounded bilge 圆舭
rounded bow 肥型船首
rounded corner 圆角
rounded deck edge 甲板圆形边缘
rounded error 凑整误差
rounded gunwale 圆弧舷缘
rounded gunwale 圆形舷缘
rounded hammer 圆头锤
rounded leading edge 圆形导边
rounded stem 圆端船首
rounded 圆形的
roundhead 坞壁首部
roundhouse 尾楼甲板室
rounding error 舍入误差
rounding switch 舍入开关
rounding 弯成圆圈舍入成整数
rounding 弯成圆圈舍入成整数圆形的
rounding 弯成圆圈圆形的使成圆形
rounding 圆形的;使成圆形
roundline 大环索
roundly 迅速地;完全
roundly 迅速地完全
roundness 圆度
roundness 圆形
roundpolicy 往返航次保险单
rounds 木梯上踏脚横挡
roundvoyage 往返航程
roundwood 圆材
rouse and bitt! 值班的起床
rouse in 拉进
rouse out 叫醒船员到舱面来
rouse up 用力拉;从睡中喊起来
rouse up 用力拉从睡中喊起来
rouse 用力拉;叫醒
rouse 用力拉叫醒
rousea sea anchor 镇浪海锚
roust 喧嚣潮汐急流
roustabout 码头工
roustabout 码头工人
route and track charts 航路图
route buoy 航道浮标
route chart 航路图
route forecast 航线预报
route forecast 航线预报航线预报
route indicator 航线显示器
route indicator 航线指示器
route information 航线资料
route inspection 线路巡回
route lane 航线
route map 航路图
route mark law 航路标志法韩
route mode 航线方式键(gps系统用语
route planning 航线设计
route recorder 航迹记录器
route speed 航行速度
route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达
route survey 航线测量
route via 经过路线
route 航线
route 路程
route 路线
routeindicator 航线显示器
routeing & traffic seperation 航道规划与分道通航
routeing chart 航路图
routeing charts 航路图
routeing measure 分道通航制界
routeing organization 执行机构
routeing 航路规划
router plane 槽刨
routes index 航线索引表
routine adjustment 定期调整
routine check 程序检验
routine check 例行检查
routine compiler 程序编制器
routine inspection 常规检查
routine inspection 定期检查
routine library 程序库
routine maintenance 例行维护
routine maintenance 例行维修
routine operating inspection 例行操作检查
routine package 程序包
routine priority 普通优先度
routine replacement 例行更换
routine replenishment 常规补给
routine sequential of tests 常规系列试验
routine servicing 日常养护
routine test 常规试验
routine test 定期试验
routine voyage 定期航行
routine work 日常工作
routine 惯例
routine 日常工作
routine 日常工作惯例
routine 完整程序
routineer 定期测试装置
routing authority 航线指定机构
routing measure 定线措施
routing of ship 船舶定线
routing scheme 定线制
routing 航路规划
routing 选航线
rove clinch nail 弯头舷板钉
rove 绳环
rove 绳环;铁环
rover 海盗
rovers 海上掠夺
row to the minute! 快划!
row a few stroke! 慢划
row a long stroke! 速划!长划
row aboat 划艇
row bow 领桨
row down 划桨追赶他船
row dry! 不要溅水地划
row lock cover 垫架
row of contact 触点排
row of piles 排桩
row of rivet 铆钉行
row off all! 停桨
row out 使划累、追越他船而荡桨乏力
row wet 水花四溅地划桨
row 荡桨
row 排
row 一行
rowboat 划艇
rowbow line 再生绳
rowbowline 再生绳
rowbowline 再生绳;破烂的帆布、绳头等
rowed of all! 停桨
rower 划船人
rowing boat 划艇
rowing equipment 划船设备
rowing test 划船试验
rowl 单轮滑车
rowler 滑车
rowlock bolster 垫架
rowlock bolster 舢板舷侧桨门板
rowlock cheek 桨叉座
rowlock cheek 桨叉座桨门承板
rowlock cheek 桨门承板
rowlock chock 桨架座
rowlock chock 桨架座桨门承板
rowlock cover 舢板舷侧桨门板
rowlock lanyard 桨叉绳
rowlock plate 桨叉插板
rowlock 桨叉
rows per inch 每英寸排数
rowse 拉绳
rowser chock 一种闭式导缆器
rowto the minute! 快划!
royal air force 英国空军
royal astronomical society 皇家天文学会
royal australian air force 澳大利亚空军
royal australian navy 澳大利亚海军
royal blue 品蓝色
royal canadian navy 加拿大海军
royal clew line 顶帆帆耳索
royal corps of naval constructors 英国海军造船部
royal dockyard 英国造船厂
royal electrical and mechanical engineers 英国电子和机械工程师
royal exchange assurance corporation 皇家交易保险公司
royal greenwich observatory 格林尼治天文台
royal institute of navigation 英国航海学会
royal institution of naval architects 皇家造船工程师学会
royal institution of naval architecture 英国造船协会
royal insurance company limited 皇家保险公司
royal life-saving society 英国水上救生协会
royal lift 顶帆吊扬索
royal mail steamer 皇家邮船
royal marine police 英国水上警察
royal marine 英国海运
royal marines 皇家海军陆战队
royal mast 最上桅
royal mast 最上桅顶上桅
royal meteorological society 皇家气象学会
royal national lifeboat institute 英国皇家救生艇学会(地址:west quay road
royal national lifeboat institution 皇家救生艇学会
royal naval engineering college 皇家海军工程学院
royal naval hydrographic department 英国海军航道局
royal naval reserve 皇家海军后备役
royal naval scientific service 英国海军科技局
royal naval staff college 皇家海军参谋学院
royal naval volunteer reserve 皇家海军自愿后备役
royal naval war college 英国海军军事学院
royal navy college 皇家海军学院
royal navy lifeboat 英国海军救生艇
royal navy 皇家海军英国海军
royal navy 英国海军
royal netherlands shipowner"s association 荷兰船东协会
royal new zealand navy 新西兰海军
royal northern yacht club 英国北部快艇俱乐部
royal observatory greenwich 英国格林尼治天文台
royal observatory 英国格林尼治天文台
royal pole 顶上桅
royal radar establishment 皇家雷达研究所
royal research ship 英国考察船
royal sail 最上桅的帆
royal stay 桅最上方的前支索
royal studding-sail 顶翼帆
royal yachting association 皇家快艇比赛协会
royal yard 顶桅桠
royal 顶桅帆;英国的
royal 皇家的
royal 皇家的英国的
royal 王的英国皇家的
royal 英国的
royalty 特许费
rpm governor 转速调节器
rpm window 转速表读数窗
rs 苏联船舶登记局
rsk in the period of ship arrest 船舶扣押保全风险
rspe operating control panel 雷达信号处理装置操作控制面板
rspeoperating control panel 雷达信号处理装置操作控制面板
rt radio telegraphy
rt radio telephony
rub 摩擦
rubba 低角
rubber bearing 橡胶尾轴管轴承
rubber cable 橡皮电缆
rubber bag 橡皮袋
rubber ball 橡皮球
rubber band 橡皮圈
rubber base protective coating 橡胶基防护层
rubber bearing 橡皮轴承
rubber belt 橡皮带
rubber boat 橡皮艇
rubber bond 橡胶粘结料
rubber boot 橡胶靴
rubber boots 橡胶长统靴
rubber bottle cover 橡皮瓶塞
rubber buffer 橡皮缓冲器
rubber bumpar 橡皮缓冲器
rubber cable 胶皮电缆
rubber cloth 橡胶布
rubber coated paper 涂胶纸
rubber coating asbestos cloth 胶皮石棉布
rubber coating 橡胶套
rubber compensator 橡胶补偿器
rubber conductor 橡皮导线
rubber cord 橡皮绝缘线
rubber covered braided 橡皮绝缘编包线
rubber covered braided 橡皮绝缘的编包线
rubber covered double braided wire 橡皮绝缘的双层编包线
rubber covered double braided 橡皮绝缘双层编包
rubber covered rollers 橡皮滚轮
rubber covered weatherproof 橡皮包的风雨线
rubber covered 橡皮公司
rubber covered 橡皮绝缘的
rubber cushion 橡皮缓冲器
rubber diaphragm 橡皮膜
rubber dinghy 橡皮艇
rubber disc shock sbsorber 橡皮盘减震器
rubber door stopper 门上橡皮防碰垫
rubber fender 橡皮碰垫
rubber foam 泡沫橡皮
rubber gasket 橡胶衬垫
rubber gasket 橡皮垫片
rubber gloves 橡皮手套
rubber grating 橡皮格栅
rubber hand lamp 橡皮提灯
rubber heat-resisting wire 橡胶耐高热线
rubber hose 橡皮软管
rubber ice 松冰团(有弹性的软冰
rubber in-shear mounting 抗剪橡皮座
rubber insulated gloves 橡皮绝缘手套
rubber insulated wire 橡皮绝缘线
rubber insulating tape 橡皮包带
rubber insulation 橡胶绝缘
rubber insulation 橡胶绝缘橡皮绝缘
rubber insulation 橡皮绝缘
rubber insulation 橡皮缘绝
rubber joint 橡皮垫
rubber knob 橡皮按钮
rubber knob 橡皮按钮橡皮捏手
rubber landing craft 橡皮登陆艇
rubber latex 橡胶乳汁
rubber liferaft 橡皮救生筏
rubber lining 橡皮衬层
rubber membrane 橡皮膜片
rubber neoprene 氯丁橡胶
rubber packing ring 橡皮填密圈
rubber packing 橡皮垫
rubber packing 橡皮密封
rubber packing 橡皮填料
rubber pad 橡胶垫
rubber piece 防擦材
rubber pipe 橡皮管
rubber plate 橡胶板
rubber ring joint 橡皮密封垫圈
rubber ring packing 橡皮填密圈
rubber ring 橡皮圈
rubber seal 橡皮密封
rubber sealing ring 橡皮密封圈
rubber sealing ring 橡皮外皮
rubber sheathed cable 橡皮包电缆
rubber sheet with brass wire insert 嵌黄铜丝的橡胶板
rubber sheet with canvas insert 嵌帆布的橡胶板
rubber sheet 橡皮板
rubber solution 橡胶水
rubber spring 橡皮弹簧
rubber tape 橡皮带
rubber trade association clauses 橡胶贸易协会条款
rubber treated 用橡胶处理过的
rubber tube wiring 胶皮线
rubber tube 橡皮管
rubber union 橡皮接头
rubber valve 胶阀
rubber valve 橡皮阀
rubber washer 橡皮垫圈
rubber 氯丁橡胶
rubber 舷围
rubber 舷围;橡胶;橡皮擦子;包以橡皮;磨具
rubber 橡皮
rubber-clad transducer cable 换能器胶皮电缆
rubber-covered braided 橡皮绝缘的编包线橡皮绝缘的编织线
rubber-covered double braided 橡皮绝缘的双层编织线橡皮绝缘双层编包线
rubbercable 橡皮电缆
rubberize 用橡胶液浸渍
rubberized tape 胶布绝缘带
rubberized 用橡胶液浸渍过的
rubberlike insulating compound 类橡胶绝缘复合物
rubbing band 护舷木
rubbing bar 防擦棒材
rubbing bar 假龙骨
rubbing batten 耐擦护条
rubbing contact 摩擦接触
rubbing contact 摩擦接触滑动触点
rubbing effect 摩擦作用
rubbing factor 摩擦因数
rubbing keel 保龙骨
rubbing palte 防擦材
rubbing piece 防擦材
rubbing piece 外护舷材
rubbing plate 防擦板
rubbing plate 防擦板防擦材
rubbing srip 防擦材
rubbing stone 磨石
rubbing strake 防擦材
rubbing strip 防擦条
rubbing strip 防擦条防险环
rubbing strip 防险环
rubbing surface 摩擦面
rubbing 摩擦
rubbing 摩擦研磨
rubbish barge 垃圾驳船
rubbish chute 垃圾滑槽
rubbish chute 垃圾运送槽
rubbish container 垃圾箱
rubbish recovery ship 清扫船
rubbish shoot 垃圾滑槽
rubbish shoot 垃圾筒
rubbish 废料
rubbish 垃圾
rubble ice 碎冰块
rubble mound breakwater 堆石防波堤
rubble mound 粗石堆堤
rubble wave absorber 消浪乱石堆
rubble 碎石
rubha 低角
rubha 低角角
rubha 角
rubstick 胶质粘合剂
ruby laser 红宝石激光
ruby laser 红宝石激光器
ruby 红宝石
ruchbah =δ cassiopeiae 阁道三
rud = river 河
rud 河
rudder action 舵作用
rudder actuator 操舵器
rudder adjustment 舵角调整
rudder amidship! 正舵
rudder and steerign gear 舵及操舵装置
rudder and steering gear 舵设备
rudder angle fluctuation 舵角波动
rudder angle gauging 舵角量测
rudder angle indication 舵角指示
rudder angle indicator receiver 舵角接收器
rudder angle indicator 舵角指示器
rudder angle of declination 偏舵角
rudder angle order 舵角传令钟
rudder angle pointer 舵角指针
rudder angle receiver 舵角接收器
rudder angle repeater 舵角复示器
rudder angle stopper 舵角限制器
rudder angle transmitter 舵角发送器
rudder angle 舵角
rudder area ratio 舵面积比
rudder area 舵面积
rudder area 舵叶面积
rudder arearatio 舵面积比
rudder arm 舵臂
rudder arrangement 舵装置
rudder aspect ratio 舵展弦比
rudder authority 方向舵效能
rudder axis 舵轴
rudder axle 承舵轴
rudder balance 舵平衡
rudder band 舵臂
rudder band 舵箍
rudder band 舵筋
rudder bearding 舵前缘
rudder bearer 舵承
rudder bearing 舵承
rudder bias gear 舵偏动装置
rudder blade 舵板
rudder blade 舵叶
rudder body 舵板
rudder body 舵叶
rudder brace 舵钮
rudder braces 舵纽
rudder bracket 舵角限制器
rudder bracket 尾甲板上止舵楔
rudder brake 舵闸
rudder brake 舵闸(装在舵杆头上的一种锁紧装置
rudder brake 止舵器
rudder brake 制舵器
rudder bush 舵钮衬套
rudder bushing 舵销衬
rudder cap 舵帽
rudder carrier bearing 上舵承
rudder carrier 舵承
rudder carrier 舵托
rudder case 舵杆管
rudder case 舵杆管舵杆管
rudder case 舵杆围阱
rudder casing 舵杆管
rudder cavitation 舵空化
rudder chain 应急舵链
rudder chain 应急舵链(舵机损坏时控制舵用
rudder chain 转舵链
rudder chock 甲板上止舵楔
rudder chock 甲板上止舵楔(限制最大舵角用
rudder choke 止舵楔
rudder coat 舵套
rudder coat 舵头帆布罩
rudder control unit 舵控装置
rudder control 操舵
rudder control 用舵操纵
rudder coupling 舵杆接头
rudder coupling 舵联接器
rudder cross head 舵杆十字头
rudder cross head 舵十字头
rudder crosshead 横舵柄
rudder deck stop 甲板上止舵楔
rudder deck-stop 尾甲板上止舵楔
rudder deflecting rate 转舵角速度
rudder direction 舵向
rudder displacement 舵角位移
rudder displacement 舵位移
rudder effect 舵的作用
rudder effect 舵效
rudder effect 舵作用
rudder effectiveness test 舵效试验
rudder effectiveness 舵效
rudder end plate 舵端垫圈
rudder experiment 舵试验
rudder eye 舵杆吊环
rudder eye 舵眼圈
rudder failure 舵失灵
rudder flange 舵杆法兰
rudder flange 舵杆头凸缘
rudder follow-up ring assembly 舵角随动环形装置
rudder force character 舵力特性
rudder force coefficient 舵力系数
rudder force identity 等舵力法
rudder force 舵力
rudder force 舵压力
rudder frame 舵框
rudder frame 舵枢架
rudder gear 操舵装置
rudder gear 舵装置
rudder gear 转舵装置
rudder gland 舵杆转动填料承压盖
rudder gland 舵杆转动填料函压盖
rudder gudgeon 舵钮
rudder gudgeon 舵纽
rudder gudgeon 舵纽舵枢
rudder gudgeon 舵枢
rudder hanger 挂舵钩
rudder hanging 舵钮及舵销
rudder hangings 舵钮及舵销
rudder hangings 舵纽
rudder head bearing 舵头舵承
rudder head shaft 上舵杆
rudder head 舵杆头
rudder head 舵头
rudder heel bearing 舵板根承
rudder heel 舵踵
rudder height 舵高
rudder hinge 舵钮
rudder hinge 舵纽
rudder hole 舵杆孔
rudder horn 舵托
rudder horn 应急舵链挂环
rudder house 操舵室
rudder house 舵室
rudder house 驾驶室
rudder hydraulic actuator 液压操舵油缸
rudder hydraulic actuator 液压操舵装置
rudder indicator 舵角指示器
rudder inflow angle 舵来流角
rudder irons 舵纽
rudder keeper 舵杆防松器
rudder keeper 舵杆接头螺帽防松器
rudder kick 舵偏转
rudder like effect 似舵效应
rudder line 操舵索
rudder lock pintle 止舵针
rudder lock 锁舵扣
rudder lock 锁舵栓
rudder lock 销紧舵栓
rudder locking pintle 销紧舵栓
rudder lug 舵承钮
rudder lug 舵纽
rudder main piece 舵杆
rudder midship! 正舵
rudder moment 转舵力矩
rudder motor 舵机电动机
rudder order indicator 舵令显示器
rudder order indicator 舵令指示器
rudder order 舵令
rudder paddle 舵叶
rudder palm 舵法兰
rudder pedal adjuster 舵板调整器
rudder pendant chain 应急操舵器链
rudder pendant chain 应急舵链
rudder pendant 操舵索
rudder pendant 应急舵链索
rudder performance 舵特性
rudder piece 下舵杆
rudder pin 上舵杆
rudder pintle 舵栓
rudder pintle 舵销
rudder pintle 舵针
rudder pintle 舵针;舵栓
rudder pit 舵穴
rudder pit 舵穴干坞的)舵穴
rudder pit 卸舵沟
rudder plan 舵图
rudder plane 舵平面
rudder plank 舵板
rudder plate 舵板
rudder plate 舵板舵叶
rudder plate 舵叶
rudder plating 舵板
rudder port 舵杆开口
rudder port 舵杆孔
rudder position indicator 舵角指示器
rudder position indicator 舵位指示器
rudder positiont 舵位
rudder post stopper 舵柱上止舵楔
rudder post weldment 焊接舵柱
rudder post 承舵柱
rudder post 舵柱
rudder potentiometer 自动舵分压器
rudder pressure 舵压力
rudder profile 舵外形
rudder propeller 转动导管螺旋桨
rudder pulling rod 直舵拉杆
rudder quadrant 舵扇
rudder rake 舵后沿形状
rudder rake 舵斜度
rudder ratio adjustment 操舵灵敏度调整
rudder repeater 舵角复示器
rudder riser 舵纽空挡
rudder riser 舵托
rudder rod 转舵杆
rudder roll stabilization 横摇稳定舵
rudder score 舵纽空挡
rudder score 舵纽空挡舵钮空档
rudder screw 主动舵
rudder section 舵剖面
rudder servo 方向舵伺服机构
rudder setter 舵角发送器
rudder setter 止舵器
rudder setter 自动舵管制器
rudder setting angle 舵安装倾角
rudder setting angle 舵侧倾角
rudder shaft 舵轴
rudder shoe 舵杆
rudder signal gear 舵角指示器
rudder signal 舵信号
rudder skeg 舵踵
rudder snug 舵臂前端舵钮
rudder snug 舵臂前端舵钮舵纽
rudder snug 舵纽
rudder sole 舵底承
rudder spindle 舵轴
rudder spindle 上舵杆
rudder stabilization 舵减摇
rudder stay 舵臂
rudder steering mechanism 操舵机构
rudder stock liner 舵杆衬套
rudder stock moment 舵杆扭矩
rudder stock recess 装舵杆空档处
rudder stock torque 舵杆扭矩
rudder stock trunk 舵杆管
rudder stock 舵杆
rudder stock 上舵杆
rudder stop cleat 舵角限制器
rudder stop on deck 甲板舵角限位器
rudder stop 止舵器
rudder stop 止舵楔
rudder stopper 止舵楔
rudder strut 舵板支架
rudder stuffing box 舵杆填料函
rudder stuffing box 舵杆转动填料函
rudder tackle 缓冲绞辘
rudder tackle 缓冲绞辘应急舵)缓冲绞辘
rudder telltale 舵角指示器
rudder thickness ratio 舵厚度比
rudder thicknessratio 舵厚度比
rudder tiller 舵柄
rudder torque 转舵矩
rudder trial 舵设备试验
rudder trial 舵试验
rudder trunk collar 舵杆筒封圈
rudder trunk 舵杆管
rudder tube 舵杆管
rudder tube 舵杆筒
rudder vang 应急舵链
rudder watcher 舵角接收器
rudder watcher 舵角指示器接收装置
rudder well 舵杆管
rudder well 舵杆围阱
rudder well 舵穴
rudder wheel 舵轮
rudder with bulb 梨形舵
rudder yoke 横舵柄
rudder 舵
rudder-bottom-fin 舵底鳍
rudder-carrier 舵托
rudder-excited hull vibration 舵激船壳振动
rudder-head shaft 上舵杆
rudder-propeller 导管螺旋桨舵
rudderhead 舵头
rudderindicator 舵角指示器
rudderless vessel 无舵船
ruddermoment 舵力矩
rudderpiece 下舵杆
rudderpost 承舵柱
rudderstock 舵杆
rude star finder 索星卡的一种
rudimentary model 初步模型
rudle 梯级绞盘头栏杆小柱
ruff 轴环
rug 地毯
rug 毯子
rugged coast 起伏海岸
rugged 高低不平的
ruggedize 使加固
ruggedized instrument 抗震仪表
ruggedized tube 抗震电子管
ruggedized 加固的
ruin 废墟
ruin 毁坏
ruin 遗迹
ruined landmark 废陆标
ruined pier 废突码头
ruisseau 河河流
rule applicable law rules 关于适用法律的规则
rule depth gauge 深度规
rule for inland river going ships 内河船规范
rule frame spacing 规范肋骨间距
rule of conflict of laws 法律冲突法规则
rule of employment of seamen 船员就业规则
rule of interpretation 解释规则
rule of thumb formula 经验公式右手定则
rule paramount 首要规则
rule weight anchor 规范重量锚
rule 规定
rule 规则
rule 规章
ruled length 规定长度
ruled paper 划线报告纸
ruler 直尺
rules and regulations for the construction and classification of sea going steel ships 钢质海船入级与建造规范
rules concerning management of international freight forwarders industry 关于国际货物运输代理行业管理的若干规定
rules for administration of endorsement of vessels 船舶签证管理规则
rules for building and classing steel vessels 钢船建造入级规范
rules for carriage of passengers by waterway 水路旅客运输规则
rules for construction of policy 《船舶建造保险单规则》保险单解释规则
rules for engine log record of inland waterway vessels 内河船舶轮机日志记载规则
rules for examination and certification for marine officers 海船船员考试发证规则
rules for general average adjustment 共同海损理算规则
rules for harbour fee collection 港口费收规则
rules for log-book record of inland waterway vessels 内河船舶航行日志记载规则
rules for management of carriage of passengers by waterway 水路旅客运输管理规程
rules for navigation in the boundary rivers of china and russia 中俄国境河流航行规则
rules for offshore structure 海上平台规范
rules for passenger quotas and accommodations of sea-going ships 海船乘客定额及舱室设备规范
rules for passenger quotas and accommodations of ships navigating on inland waterways 内河船舶乘客定额与舱室设备规范
rules for pollution prevention structures and equipment of inland waterways ships 内河船舶防污染结构与设备规范
rules for preventing collisions on inland waters 内河避碰规则
rules for registration of seagoing ship 海船登记规则
rules for safe operation of pilot in sea port 海港引航员安全操作守则
rules for sailing in the fog 海上雾中航行规则
rules for signal equipment of sea-going ships 海船信号设备规范
rules for sub division and damage stability of sea going ships 海船分舱和破舱稳性规范
rules for supervision of shipping dargerous cargo 船舶装载危险货物监督管理规则
rules for the cargo handling gear of ships 船舶起货设备规范
rules for the certification of freight containers 集装箱堆场
rules for the classification and construction of fixed offshore platforms 海上固定式平台入级与建造规范
rules for the classification and construction of mobile offshore drilling units 海上移动式钻井船入级与建造规范
rules for the classification of navigation zones on inland waterways 内河航区分级规范
rules for the construction and equipment of sea going ships relating to pollution prevention 海船防污染结构与设备规范
rules for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemical in bulk 散装运输危险化学品船构造与设备规范
rules for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquified gases in bulk 散装运输液化气体船构造与设备规范
rules for the construction of sea-going steel ships 钢质海船建造规范
rules for the construction of seagoing steel ships supplementary requirements for hull construction of small coastwise ships 钢质海船建造规范--沿海小型船体建造补充规定
rules for the construction of steel ships navigating on inland waterways 内河钢船建造规范
rules for the examination and certification for the seamen of inland waterway vessels 内河船舶船员考试发证规则
rules for the implementation of the contract of transportation goods by waterway 韩水路货物运输合同实施细则
rules for the implementation of the frontier health quarantine law of the p.c.c. 中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法实施细则
rules for the implementation of the provisions of the p.c.c. for the marine transport management of international containers 中华人民共和国海上国际集装箱运输管理规定实施细则
rules for the implementation of the punishment and penalty on violation of the foreign exchange control regulations 违反外汇管理处罚施行细则
rules for the implementation on imposing administrative penalties under the customs law of the people"s republic of china. 中华人民共和国海关法行政处罚实施细则
rules for the implementations of the regulations governing the examination and certification for crew members of ships for inland waters 内河船舶船员考试发证规则实施细则
rules for the life-saving appliances of sea-going steel ships 海船救生设备规范
rules for the lifesaving appliances of sea going ships 海船救生设备规范
rules for the lifting appliances on ships and offshore installations 船舶及海上设施起重设备规范
rules for the load lines of sea-going ships 海船载重线规范
rules for the management of fire and explosion prevention while repairing vessels 船舶修理防火防爆管理规定
rules for the management of safety production in ports oil -handling area港口油区安全生产管理规则
rules for the management of tank safety producation 油船安全生产管理规则
rules for the management of waterway transport 水路货物运输管理规则
rules for the navigation equipment of sea going ships 船舶航行设备规范
rules for the navigation equipment of sea-going ships 海船航行设备规范
rules for the radiotelegraph installation of sea-going ships 海船无线电设备规范
rules for the signalling apparatus of sea-going ships 海船信号设备规范
rules for the stability and load lines of ships navigating on the changjiang river and its tributary waterways 长江水系船舶稳性和载重线规范
rules for the stability of sea-going ships 海船稳性规范
rules for the subdivision of sea-going ships 海船抗沉性规范
rules for the tonnage measurement of seagoing ships 海船吨位丈量规范
rules for the tonnage measurement of ships navigating on inland waterways 内河船舶吨位丈量规范
rules for trying out quarantine inspection by telecommunication for ocean-going vessels 国际航行船舶试行电讯卫生检疫规定
rules for vessels navigating in the boundary rivers of china and korea 中朝国境河流船舶航行规则
rules for waterway transport 水路货物运输规则
rules governing the supervision on and control over ship disassembling 拆解船舶监督管理规则
rules of air control 《航空管理规则》
rules of assessment of damages following a collision 船舶碰撞损害赔偿确定原则
rules of direct consignment 直接运输规则
rules of geometry 几何学规则
rules of implementation measures for collecting construction expenses of the harbour 港口建设费征收办法实施细则
rules of implementation of the people"s republic of china governing the administration of china 中华人民共和国航道管理条例实施细则
rules of navigation 《海上避碰规则》
rules of navigation 海上避碰规程
rules of navigation 海上避碰规程《海上避碰规则》
rules of origin 僦飨⑸瓒ㄗ约旱某绦颉!肌原产地规则
rules of practice of association of average adjustions 《海损理算师协会理算规则》
rules of practice 实务规则
rules of road at sea 海上避碰规程
rules of seniority 等级制的规则
rules of the air 《航空规则》
rules of the customs of the p.c.c. governing the supervision and control over inland and outland containers and the goods contained therein 中华人民共和国海关对进出口集装箱和所装货物的监管办法
rules of the ministry of communication of the people"s republic of china on coastal harbor signals 中华人民共和国交通部沿海港口信号规定
rules of the ministry of communications of the p.c.c. for collecting port dues from international shipping vessels and their import andor export goods 中华人民共和国交通部航行国际航线船舶及外贸进出口货物港口收费规则
rules of the ministry of communications of the prc for the control of superintending disassembling vessels. 中华人民共和国交通部拆解船舶监督管理规则
rules of the p.c.c. for the examination assessment and post of marine surveyors 中华人民共和国验船师考试考核任职规则
rules of the road 《海上避碰规则》
rules of thumb in forcasing of fog 实地预测雾情方法
rules ofroad at sea 海上避碰规程
rules on electric bills of lading of cmi 国际海事委员会电子提单规则
rules on the management of visa for the boats and ships of the people"s republic of china 中华人民共和国船舶签证管理规则
rules 入级规范
ruling pen 绘图笔
ruling price 时价
ruling 划线
ruling 刻度
rumanian register of shipping 罗马尼亚船舶登记局
rumanian register 罗马尼亚船级社
rumble 隆隆声
rumbow line 再生绳
rumbowline 再生绳
rumbowline 再生绳;破烂的帆布
rummage 翻舱搜查
rummage 海关检查
run a ship aground 使船搁浅
run aboard a ship 船相撞
run afoul of… 和……碰撞;和……纠缠在一起
run afoul of… 和…碰撞
run against a rock 触礁
run against rocks 触礁
run against 冲撞
run against 冲撞;偶然遇见
run against 冲撞偶然遇见
run aground 搁浅
run ahead of one"s reckoning 超过积算船位
run ashore 搁浅
run away 背着走
run before the wind 顺风航行
run book 运行说明书
run counter 倒转
run curve 运行曲线
run down a coast 沿着海岸航行
run down a port 探航到某港
run down n. 扫描一周a.停了的
run down time 停止运转时间
run down 碰撞;停止;扫描一周
run down 扫描一周停了的用完了的
run down 用完
run down 撞沉
run down 撞沉用完
run foul of… 和…碰撞
run free 顺风航行
run goods 走私货物
run high 海浪汹涌;上涨
run high 海浪汹涌上涨
run hot 发热状态下运转
run idle 空转
run in n. 磨合试车
run in period 磨合期
run in with 驶进…
run in with 驶进……
run in 磨合试车
run in 撞入;跑进;收进
run in 撞入跑进收进
run into port 进港
run into 拦腰撞
run length 去流段长度
run light control panel 航行灯控制屏
run of the coast 岸线走向
run of the ice 冰的漂程
run off n. 流
run off 流出;径流;流量
run off 流出径流流量
run off 流气流环流
run on shore 搁岸
run on the rocks 坐礁
run out n. 行程套筒径向间隙
run out to sea 出海
run out 递出
run out 行程套筒径向间隙
run time diagnosis 运行时诊断
run under the lee of the shore 在岸下风航行
run up n. 起动
run up program 起动程序
run up program 起动程序试车程序
run up time 起动时间
run up 跑上
run up 起动起转试车
run upon the rocks 坐礁
run wild 出故障
run with tide 顺着潮流航驶
run 发射
run 航程;发射;小河;船尾端部;走向;航行;航行
run 行程
run-aground 搁浅
run-down time 停转时间
run-in period 试车周期
run-in test 空车试验
runabout crane 移动式起动机
runabout 轻便汽艇
runabout 小马达船;跑来跑去的
runabout 小汽艇
runaway governor 极限调速器
runaway speed 飞车转速
runaway star 速逃星
runaway 飞车飞逸
runaway 飞逸
runaway 逃亡者;飞车
rundle 绳梯横杆
rung 舵轮轮辐
rung 舵轮轮辐梯的横木
rung 梯的横木;梯级;舵轮辐
rung 梯极
runnel 小流
runner and tackle 动单绞辘串联单双复绞辘
runner and whip 动单绞辘串联定单复绞辘
runner crew 传缆手
runner tackle 定单绞辘串联单双复绞辘
runner 动单绞辘绳索传绳手临时水手叶轮
runner 转子
runner 转子转轮
runnin fit 间隙配合
running days 连续停泊时间
running a line of position 船位线转移
running ability 运转能力
running account 来往帐目
running account 流水帐
running against the sea 逆浪航行
running against the seas 逆流航行
running agreement 航次延伸协议
running agreement 航次延展协议
running aground 搁浅
running and starting current 运行及起动电流
running balance indicating machine 动平衡机
running balance 定深航行
running before the sea 顺浪航行
running before the seas 顺浪航行
running block 动滑车
running block 绞辘中)动滑车
running board 布线板
running boat 联络艇
running bowline 活套结
running bowline 有活络套索的张帆索
running bowsprit 可伸缩式船首斜桁
running characteristic 运行特性
running condition 运行情况
running condition 运转状态
running contact 集电器
running contact 集电器集注流靴
running contact 集注流靴
running cost 经常费
running cost 运行费
running current 运行电流
running curve 运转曲线
running days = consecutive days 连续装卸日
running days 连续工作日
running days 连续日
running days 连续装卸日
running days=consecutive days 连续装卸日(包括节假日、星期天
running direction indicator 转向指示器
running direction interlock 转向联锁装置
running direction 转向
running down clause 船舶)碰撞条款碰撞条款碰撞条款
running down clause 碰撞条款
running down clause 碰撞条款碰撞条款
running down of battery 电池耗尽
running down 碰撞
running end 动端
running experience 运行经验
running fit 间隙配合
running fit 松动配合
running fit 转动配合
running fix 航行定位
running fix 移线定位
running fix 移线定位航行定位
running free 顺风驶帆
running gear 运动机构
running gear 运动机构;传动装置
running gear 运动装置
running hitch 滑结
running hitch 滑结滑结系缆活结滑结
running hours indicator 运转小时指示器
running hours meter 运行时数计
running hours 连续工作时
running in freewater 公海航行
running in of an engine 发动机磨合试车
running in oil 磨合油
running in period 磨合时期
running in 磨合试车
running index 运转指数
running knot 滑结
running lading number 连续卸货数字
running large 顺风驶帆
running laydays 装卸货时间
running light panel 航行灯控制板
running light 动行指示灯
running light 航行信号灯
running light 空载运行
running lightpanel 航行灯控制板
running lights indicator 航行灯指示器
running lights 航行指示灯
running lights 机器工作指示灯
running lights 机器工作指示灯航行灯
running line 渡索
running line 接引绳
running loop 活结
running maintenance 运行维护
running maintenance 运行维修
running moor 前进抛双锚
running no-load 空载运转
running noises 运行噪声
running number 顺序号
running numbers 接连的号码
running of a line of position 船位线转移
running of an engine 发动机运转
running on beam sea 横浪航行
running on heavy fuel oil 重油运转
running out system 自然到期制
running out 溢出
running part 动端
running part 滑车索动端
running pitch angle 航行纵倾角
running policy 长期有效保险单
running policy 继续保险单
running position 运转位置
running power 航行功率
running power 运行功率
running power 运转功率
running program language 运行程序语言
running program 操作程序
running repair 经常修理
running repair 一般性修理
running repair 一般修理
running resistance 航行阻力
running rigging 动索
running rigging 活动索具
running rope 动索
running signal and anchor lights 航行信号灯及锚泊灯
running speed 运转速度
running state 运行状态
running status 运行状态
running stock 消耗品
running stores 航行消耗品
running stores 航行消耗品消耗品
running stores 消耗品
running surface 工作表面
running survey 航行测量
running test 运转试验
running time 工作时间
running time 航行时间;运转时间
running time 运行时间
running tool 试车工具
running trial 航行试车;运转试验
running trial 航行试车运转试验
running trial 运转试验
running trial 运转试验航行试验
running trim 航行纵倾
running turk"s head 活打花箍
running voltage 工作电压
running voltage 运行电压
running water 流动的水
running water 自来水
running waterline 航行水线
running wheel 转轮
running winding 运行绕组
running winding 运转绕组
running wire 动钢索
running wire 动缆
running 流动
running 流动的;继续的;流出;开动
running 行程运行
running-in bowsprit 插入式船首斜桁
running-light test 空载试验
runway 河床
rupture disc 破裂片
rupture life 破坏期限
rupture line 破裂线
rupture member 破裂构件
rupture modulus 断裂模量
rupture of plating 船板的断裂
rupture strength 破裂强度
rupture stress 破坏应力
rupture stress 破裂应力
rupture test 破坏试验
rupture 破裂
rupture 炸裂
rupturer 断续器
rupturing capacity 切断功率
rupturing current 切断电流
rupturing voltage 击穿电压
rupturing 破裂的
rural transport experiments rural 运输试验
rush current 冲击电流
rush mat 草席
rush 冲击
rush 突增
rushabar 黑风
russian register of shipping 俄罗斯船舶登记局
russianrussia 俄罗斯的俄罗斯
rust blister 锈蚀疱
rust blister 锈疱
rust eaten 完全生锈的
rust formation 锈蚀形成
rust free 未生锈的
rust inhibiting lubricant 防锈润滑剂
rust inhibiting paint 防锈漆
rust inhibitor 防锈剂
rust joint 铁油灰
rust joint 铁油灰锈蚀接头粗接合剂
rust joint 锈蚀接头
rust joint 锈蚀接头粗接合剂
rust mark 锈印
rust oxidation 锈蚀抑制剂
rust preventer 防锈剂
rust preventing agent 防锈剂
rust preventing oil 防锈油
rust preventing paint 防锈漆
rust prevention test 防锈试验
rust prevention 防锈
rust preventive coating 防锈漆层
rust preventive grease 防锈滑脂
rust preventive oil 防锈油
rust preventive pigment 防锈颜料
rust preventive 防锈的
rust proof layer 防锈层
rust proof 防锈
rust proof 防锈的
rust proofing primer 防锈底漆
rust proofing 防锈处理
rust protection 防锈蚀
rust putty 铁油灰
rust quality 抗锈性
rust removal 除锈
rust remover 除锈器
rust remover 去锈药水
rust resistance 抗锈蚀性
rust resistance 耐锈蚀能力
rust resistant 抗锈的
rust resisting paint 防锈漆
rust resisting paint 防锈漆防锈漆料
rust resisting steel 不锈钢
rust 使生锈
rust 锈
rust 锈vi.生锈
rust"s azimuth diagram 《拉斯特方位图》
rust-inhibiting lubricant 防锈润滑剂
rust-proof oil 防锈油
rust-proofing primer 防锈底漆
rust-resisting property 抗锈性
rustless metal 不锈金属
rustless steel 不锈钢
rustless 不锈的
rustproof dipper 不锈水勺
rustproof graduated drinking vessel 不锈饮料量杯
rustproof layer 防锈层
rustproof 防锈的
rustproof 防锈的@a.防锈的
rusty part 生锈部分
rusty part 生锈部位
rusty plate 生锈钢板
rusty 生锈的腐烂发臭的
rut 岸边激浪声
rutile base covering 金红石基涂料
rutile sand 金红矿砂
rutile 金红石
rutter 航迹图
rutter 航迹图航线海图
rutter 航线海图
ruttier 航线海图
rx monitor 接收监控器
rye terms full outturn 足够量交货裸麦条款
rye terms sound delivered 裸麦交货完好条款
rye terms 裸表条款(按照这些条款购买谷物时)
rye terms 裸麦条款
rzeka = river 河
rzeka 河
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