西装 western-style clothes/tailored suit/suit
男装 men"s wear; men"s suit
男童装 boy"s clothes
西装上衣 upper garment; jacket/top coat/blouse/blouson
中西式上衣chinese and western style blouse
中山装上衣 zhongshan coat/chinese style jacket/sun-yat-sen style jacket
男式短上衣 mannish jacket
男便装上衣 sack coat
男紧身上衣 doublet
短西装上衣 minisuit
轻便型上衣/运动上衣 sports coat
运动短上衣 stadium jumper
双排扣短上衣 spencer croise (法)
v领套头上衣 pull en v (法)
风帽上衣 hood jacket; anorak
套头宽上衣 pull blouson
紧身短上衣 tunic/coatee
超短上衣 minicoat
春秋衫 spring and autumn coat
罩衫 smock/blouse
茄克衫 jacket/blouson
衬衫 shirt/blouse
男衬衫 shirt/chemise(法)
男用外衬衫 liquette(法)
美式男用衬衫 chemise american (法)
礼服衬衫 dress shirt
休闲衬衫 leisure shirt
牛仔衬衫 cowboy shirt
套头衬衫 pullover shirt
背心/马甲 vest/waistcoat
礼服背心 dress/evening vest
西服背心 waistcoat/vest/weskit
户外背心 outer vest
运动背心 sport/gym vest
牛仔背心 cowboy vest
单襟背心 single-breasted vest
两扣背心 two-button waistcoat
紧身背心 doublet/weskit
长裤 trousers/pants/slacks/pegs/pantalon(法)bags(英口语)
西装长裤 trousers
英式长裤 british trousers
高尔夫长裤 golf jupon
礼服裤 dress slacks//court breeches
礼服条纹裤 striped trousers
直筒裤 straight trousers; stem-pipe pants; cigarette pants; straight-leg slacks
牛仔裤 jeans
西装短裤 shorts
沙滩短裤 beach shorts
运动短裤 trunks; sports shorts; gym shorts
拳击短裤 boxer shorts/trunks
冲浪短裤 jams; surfer’s shorts
散步短裤 walking shorts
宽松短裤 baggys
男套装 men’s suit;tailleur masculin(法)
男式长服 lounge/business suit
西装式套装 tailored suit
正统男西装 classic suit
普通西装 lounge/sack suit
古典西装 classic model suit
意大利欧式西装 italian continental suit
英式西装 british-style suit
日常套装 afternoon suit
简便套装 easy/casual/leisure suit; leisure suit;
运动套装 sweat/jogging suit; gym outfit
登山服 mountaineering suit
滑雪服 ski suit
户外活动套装 blazer suit
男海滩装 cabana set
燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat; swallowtail; evening dress
内裤 pants/underpants; under drawers
三角裤 briefs; short pants; undershorts
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