
雅思 2021-03-29 网络整理 可可


IELTS Speaking - Section 3 [There are five sections] ..joxue.

Language Classes..joxue.

Imagine you are a student at a college. You have been told to take at least 3 hours of English classes at a language centre each week. Ask the interviewer questions to find out about language classes in the language centre and decide which classes will fit in with your college timetable...joxue.

( The interviewer has the language centre timetable)..joxue.

Ask the examiner about: kinds of classes available ..joxue.
Joxuelengths of courses ..joxue.
Joxueexams/certificates ..joxue.
Joxueplace of classes ..joxue.
Joxuetimes of classes ..joxue.


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