
四六级 2021-07-06 网络整理 可可



  1 C It will mainly benefit the wealthy

  2 B She prefers a life of continued exploration.

  3 D Keep his distance from drug addicts

  4 C The mother

  5 A Stay away for a couple of weeks

  6 C He didn’t want to be held up in traffic

  7 B It was robbed..

  8 D She isn’t going to work in her brother’s firm

  9 A The man should phone the hotel for directions.

  10 B She has to do a lot of things within a short time.

  11 B it destroys rainforest soils

  12 C organic matter is quickly lost due to heat and rain

  13 A studying patches of fertile soils in the central Amazon

  14 D They can recover easily after slash-and-burn farming

  15 D there once existed an urban civilization in the Amazon rainforests

  16 A they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism

  17 B It is getting closer to American-style capitalism

  18 D healthy and wealthy

  19 A some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom

  20 C To examine the trend of young people living alone

  21 C over the possible adverse effect of a GM bacterium on plants

  22 B the results of an experiment she conducted herself

  23 D hasn’t given permission to field test the GM organism

  24 C shouldn’t demand the Ingham be disciplined for voicing her views

  25 A Her testimony hasn’t been supported by the EPA

  26 D Poor adjustment of her body clock to seasonal changes

  27 B realized what her problem was

  28 C It proves to be an effective therapy

  29 D Light therapy could be misused by certain mental patients

  30 A Winter depressives prefer light therapy in spite of its inconvenience

  31 A reinforced

  32 A distracted

  33 D crisp

  34 C compatible

  35 B hasty

  36 D tolerant

  37 A dominant

  38 C gloomy

  39 B dwell on

  40 D array

  41 B ensure

  42 C simultaneously

  43 A transcend

  44 B surplus

  45 D predominantly

  46 B sensitive

  47 A mingled

  48 D immersed

  49 A transit

  50 C paved

  51 D embraces

  52 C reliance

  53 B multitude

  54 B coincidence

  55 A perceptions

  56 D domains

  57 C motivated

  58 B dilemma

  59 A commend

  60 D cherish

  61 D off

  62 B rely

  63 C breakthrough

  64 D sightless

  65 A scans

  66 D voice

  67 A on

  68 B printed

  69 A stride

  70 C However

  71 A but

  72 B for

  73 A estimates

  74 B own

  75 C families

  76 A models

  77 D assisting

  78 B valuable

  79 C before

  80 C sense

  S1. lie S2 associated S3. assign S4. spent S5. difficulty S6. afford S7 infant

  S8. she is entitled to a place of her own where she can be by herself, and keep her possessions

  S9. people will have their private thoughts that might never be shared with anyone

  S10. American’s houses, yards and even offices can seem open and inviting. Yet in the minds of Americans, there are boundaries that other people are simply not supposed to cross.



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