
四六级 2021-07-01 网络整理 可可


Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: 
M: When shall we start our work, Jane?
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.
Q: For how long can they work?
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]
1.A)She must learn to understand Michael’s humor better.
B)She enjoys Michael’s humor a great deal.
C)She doesn’t appreciate Michael’s humor.
D)She thinks Michael is not funny enough.
2. A) A movie. B) A lecture.
C) A play. D) A speech.
3. A) He thinks he can put off the job.
B) He thinks he can do it successfully. 
C) He is not certain if he can accomplish it.
D) He is not sure if he can do it independently. 
4. A) The islands are very different from the North.
B) The islands are a great distance from the North.
C) The islands are similar to the North.
D) The islands make her cry for the North.
5. A) In a doctor’s office.
B) In a professor’s office.
C) In a lawyer’s office.
D) In a businessman’s office.
6. A) He doesn’t write well enough.
B) He hasn’t got any professional experience.
C) He is not a professional writer.
D) He didn’t perform well in the interview.
7. A) He is a plumber.B) He is a dentist.
C) He is a gas station attendant.D) He is an engineer.
8. A) He thinks that they are of inferior quality.
B) He thinks that they are a bargain.
C) He thinks that they are overpriced.
D) He thinks that they can be purchased at a cheaper price elsewhere.
9. A) There are not enough potatoes for everyone else.
B) The woman has to think about her request.
C) The woman has more potatoes than the man has.
D) The woman should eat more potatoes.
10.A) He doesn’t want to go out at all.
B) He wants to wait a while before going out.
C) It’s not time for them to go.
D) He doesn’t care to stand and wait.

Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage One
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage:
11.A) Less than 40 minutes.
B) From 40 to 70 minutes.
C) At least 40 minutes.
D) More than 70 minutes.
12.A) He should show respect to the interviewer.
B) He should show confidence in himself.
C) He should be dressed appropriately.
D) He should speak enthusiastically.
13.A) Speaking politely and emotionally.
B) Talking loudly to give a lasting impression.
C) Talking a lot about the job.
D) Speaking confidently but not aggressively.
14.A) Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview.
B) Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.
C) Self-confidence is most important for a job hunter. 
D) A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.
Passage Two
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage:
15.A) For the completion of required assignments.
B) For passing given examinations.
C) For the good of gaining knowledge.
D) For the sake of high grades.
16.A)To accomplish them mainly through their own efforts.
B)To complete them with the aid of their tutors.
C)To read all the reference books assigned by the professors.
D)To get over all the periodicals, articles and books in the library.
17.A) Consult him outside of class.
B) Look for him in the office. 
C) Talk to him during classroom hours.
D) Make an appointment with him.
Passage Three
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage:
18.A)To create feelings of happiness for the young by singing.
B)To promote a healthier life style among young people.
C)To close the gap between the older generations and the young.
D)To change the attitude of the young towards work.
19.A) He used to drink, smoke and take drugs.
B) He belonged to a street gang.
C) He was jobless when he joined the movement.
D) He was a close friend of the movement’s leader.
20.A) It is hard for the older generation to understand the young.
B) It is possible for young people to live a healthier life.
C) A life style free from the poisons of life is worth striving for.
D) Young people will live a healthier life if left to make their own choices.

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
    Professor Kumar Bhatt, founder and head of Warwick Manufacturing Group(WMG), and Rob Meakin, a personnel director at Marconi, have developed a partnership to train engineers and managers to become e-literate. The New Knowledge Partnership will include a team of 40 Marconi managers in what Professor Bhatt calls electronic engineering management or E2. A wide range of engineering and non-engineering companies has expressed interest in these exciting programs.
    Professor Bhatt believes that e-commerce is changing the business environment to a huge extent. Many chief executives do not understand the power of the new technologies and, in some cases, are actually resisting change. He says that “As long as enough industry leaders realize its potential benefits, e-business will make possible a second productivity revolution in Britain. This could take the economy close to eliminating the still substantial competitiveness gap with its main rivals. Over the last five years in the US there has been a 30% improvement in manufacturing sector productivity because of information technology. In Britain we can achieve more than that and successful e-business will be worth billions to the UK economy.”Already Britain makes more use of computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) and management information technology systems than other European countries, and has a government that actively promotes e-business. But, observes Professor Bhatt, Britain has never used technology as a growth driver. “The thing about electronic engineering management is that you can keep your legacy systems; you just need to link those systems with an information engine. At the touch of a button it will allow project managers to see the status of a project, identify problems precisely and make virtually immediate decisions based on information that will be much more complete than in the past.”
The E2 program is the result of an alliance by the Warwick Manufacturing Group with America’s leading e-commerce study center, Carnegie Mellon. The latter will be responsible for training many of the Marconi managers in America, where the group has half its business. In Britain, Professor Bhatt has linked up with Sun Microsystems, Oracle and Parametric Technology, to set up a multi-million pound E2 design and manufacturing center at the university which will be used for training and research.
    Professor Bhatt believes that e-commerce is changing business to such an extent that WMG is likely to be renamed Warwick Electronic Manufacturing Group. But, he warns “The move to globalize because of e-commerce is racing ahead. Although the net allows British industry to overtake their European peers, it also offers Asian countries to leapfrog(相互超越) the West. For the first time it is not the privilege of the western world because this technology is universal.”
21.Professor Bhatt and Rob Meakin have developed a method to___.
A) teach electronic engineering management
B) train employees to be acquainted with e-commerce
C) train employees to be engineers and managers
D) teach employees about developing a partnership
22.How does Professor Bhatt feel about many leaders in companies?
A) They do not understand a possible second productivity revolution in Britain. 
B) They are excited about change.
C) They are ready for e-business.
D) They sometimes are against the change resulted from new technologies.
23.According to the passage, what do you know about e-business in Britain?
A)E-business has eliminated many competitive rivals.
B)E-business has done many benefits to big companies.
C)Many companies have joined in the E2 business program.
D) E-business has great potential and will make changes in the country.
24.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A) Britain can be competitive to US in the area of information technology.
B) Britain has already taken the advantages of running engineering management.
C) As with many other European countries, Britain has made use of computer-aided systems.
D) E-commerce has offered opportunities to European countries to eliminate the competitiveness gap with all the rivals.
25.WMG would like to change its name because ___.
A)Britain is going to catch up with all other European countries in the field of electronic engineering management
B)business has been influenced so much by e-commerce
C)the e-commerce has offered Asian countries the chance to overtake Britain and the rest of Europe
D)e-business is very popular and will become universal

Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:
    Emotional maturity means knowing that another person cannot fill up the hole in your heart. That is your responsibility. You need to love and affirm yourself day-by-day, moment-by-moment. That is the spiritual challenge of your life and everybody’s life. Without your love for yourself, nothing works. No amount of love from your partner is enough. The search for love from other people is like the alcoholic’s search for happiness in a bottle. The more he drinks, the less satisfied he feels and the more he wants to drink.
    We are all addicted to falling in love. But after we’ve “fallen” a few times and broken our emotional bones, we hopefully wise up a bit. We know that the high of falling in love is not going to last. We know that sooner or later we will have to get real with each other. That is the difference between romance and partnership. Romance is an attempt to keep the addiction going. It has a very short half-life. Partnership is the dance of two ordinary people learning to live together day by day. It is a very challenging school that we enroll in. It is sometimes a lot more work than play. And it certainly requires a lot more psychological adjustment than years of therapy! We don’t just graduate from this school in a year or two. It takes many years, perhaps even a lifetime, for us to master the curriculum.
Your partners are imperfect human beings, just like you. They were not the “wrong” partners any more than you were. Probably, they reflected your own level of realism and emotional maturity. That’s usually the way it works. So don’t waste your time thinking you simply made some bad choices. The only bad choice you made was forgetting who has the full time job loving you. I know that you know who this is !
    We keep remembering that they are not perfect, nor we are. Love is not a game of perfection. It is a game of overwhelming imperfection. The amazing thing is that love survives all of our mistaken attempts to control our partners and our relationships.
26.We can conclude from the passage that___.
A) we won’t forget who has the full time loving us
B) love is addictive
C) love from your partner is not enough
D) love lies in the maturity of emotion which is essential to a partnership or relationship
27.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A) To seek for true love, one must be realistic.
B) As long as we are emotionally mature, we can always enjoy the high of falling in love.
C) Love doesn’t die even if we make wrong attempts to control our partners.
D) The more one is loved, the less satisfied he or she feels.
28.It can be inferred from the passage that___.
A) the more we try to control our partners and relationships, the better we can enjoy love
B) the more frequently we fall in love, the more intelligent we’ll be
C) the more emotionally mature a couple are, the more harmonious they will live
D) it’s unrealistic for you to search for true love from others
29.By saying “They were not the ‘wrong’ partners any more than you were.”(Para 3), the author means ___.
A) you chose the wrong partner just as your partner did
B) your partner was not as good as you were
C) you were good partners to each other
D) neither of you is a good partner
30.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A) Some people regret their choices of love partners.
B) In some partnership or relationship, he or she tries to control the other.
C) Through psychological adjustment and therapy, one will feel satisfied with love.
D) Partnership is a school from which it is not easy for us to graduate.

Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
    What is terrorism?
    In a growing number of conflicts around the world, one or both sides attempt to label the other as “terrorist” in an effort to win support for their own causes. Yet as the so-called “terrorists group” often proclaim, a clear distinction between a terrorist action and a non-terrorist military operation is frequently difficult to establish. Most governments argue that terrorism is defined by violent methods to achieve political ends which are undertaken by organizations not recognized by the world community as legitimate representatives of a nation; furthermore, random acts of violence, like attacks on school buses or shopping centers, are labeled as “terrorist”. Political organization as the IRA(Irish Republican Army) and the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) have been dubbed(称为) “terrorists”, by the governments of England and Israel because of their tactics and their non-official statuses as representatives of accurately defined nations. In the case of the PLO, however, its election to power under Yasser Arafat has now confused its former recognition as terrorist. Even the IRA is earning status as an authentic opposition voice to the continued presence of British troops on Irish soil.
    All this simply highlights the problems of separating what is a legitimate political organization with “the right” to employ violence to achieve political ends from so-called terrorist groups. Inseparable from this issue is historical precedence(地位先后) and the degree of power and prestige an organization or nation has on the world stage. For example, while most independent observes would agree that the IRA setting off a bomb in a London subway station confirms its notoriety, they would be less certain that Israel’s recent bombing of a refugee camp is equally “terrorist”, despite the fact that many more innocent people were killed and injured in the latter incident than in the former. This raises the question, though certainly not for the first time, whether legitimate, even democratically elected, governments are also capable of terrorist action. Is there always a clear moral distinction between the behavior of normally respected nations and that of “rogue”(流氓) organizations? What does seem clear from these reflections is not that terrorist actions are in any way justified, but that the use of such labels is sometimes based on a political need rather than on superior moral or ethical grounds.
31.What is the point the article tries to make?
A) Non-official status of a political organization involves terrorist suspicion.
B) Terrorism defies clear-cut distinction.
C) Terrorist element exists in every violent conflict.
D) Government actions are never guilty of terrorism.
32.Which of the following could be concluded from the article?
A)An indisputable example of a terrorist group is PLO.
B)Actions to achieve political ends cannot avoid using force.
C)An acceptable criterion for terrorism is killing civilians.
D)International prestige is a justification for violence.
33.The classification of PLO is now less clear because___.
A) it begins to show friendly attitude towards Israel
B) it stands for an independent state in the Middle East
C) it is no longer engaged in random performance of violence
D) it is the elected political representative of the Palestine
34.It could be logically inferred from the article that____.
A) terrorism is not being defined on ethical criteria
B) defense actions committed on a foreign land is admissible
C) terrorism unavoidably involves immoral policies
D) democratic nations are innocent of terrorism
35.The author wrote this article to ___.
A) show sympathy to unrecognized national forces
B) condemn political motives in defining terrorism
C) justify the ambiguity in giving terrorism labels
D) call for better approaches to terrorism

Passage Four
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
    It is curious how much one despises and condemns the vices which one does not happen to possess. I am indeed not a severe man, nor would I permit myself to become intolerant of those failings which I share with others. But, having no particular temptation to be untruthful, I find myself believing that when one comes to think of it, truth is the major virtue and lying the most blameworthy of all the vices.I should like, therefore, to get my mind a little clearer on the truth question. I flatter myself, as I have said, that I am a truthful man: a man who, when he tells a lie, is careful not to forget that he has done so, and who takes infinite precautions to prevent his being found out. This, in the end, is the only test by which you can distinguish the liar from the man of truth. The latter which is bothered by untruthfulness, is worried and anxious. The real liar, however, is merely amused: he doesn’t mind in the least even if he is subsequently exposed: he regards the truthful man as somewhat of a fool.
    But this surely is one of the many false statements with which the real liar will try hard to idealize his failing. It may be inevitabe and even just to tell lies, but it cannot seriously be argued that such habits are intelligent. A lie is always an act of mental cowardice, whereas intelligence is brave. And yet there was Bismarck, and yet there was Napoleon-surely intelligent man, and surely liars. The problem, therefore, is not so simple as it seems.
  It was simple enough, in those old days, to define with approximate accuracy when a given statement ceased to be the truth and became a lie. The essential test was whether the maker of a false statement knew that he was saying something false, and consciously wished his audience to accept, and to remain under, this false impression. Life in civilized communities is a process of adjusting the personal to the social, of conforming the individual impression to the joint impressions of the common people. This process of adjustment leads inevitably and rightly to a certain unconscious deception. Absolute truth, whether unconscious or even conscious, is thus impossible. It is to relative truth only that we can hope to aspire.
36.The author suggests that it is usual that___.
A) a person shows strong disapproval of the vices an individual doesn’t have
B) everyone feels contempt for the vices that most people have
C) most people are unlikely to condemn the vices they possess
D) the vices one doesn’t possess are worthy of severe condemnation
37.The author claims that___.
A) he wouldn’t tolerate the vices that people have in common
B) he doesn’t feel particular contempt for being untruthful
C) one may be tempted to untruthfulness when one comes to think of it
D) untruthfulness is a serious fault of character which he condemns strongly
38.The essential distinction between a truthful person and a liar lies in the fact that ___.
A) the former feels uneasy about the untruths he happens to tell
B) the latter takes great care to hinder his untruths from being exposed
C) the former is willing to confess his untruthfulness when he tells a lie
D) the latter is only amazed if his untruths area disclosed
39.It is true,according to the text,real liars will___.
A) try hard to perfect their vices with false statements
B) believe it unavoidable and reasonable for everyone to tell lies
C) argue that their habits of telling lies are intelligent rather than foolish
D) are misunderstood as being either cowardly or brave individuals
40.In the author’s opinion,___.
A) bismarck and Napoleon were intelligent men of truth
B) in modern society, nobody can escape the risk of making a false statement, intentionally or unintentionally
C) untruthful man is worried about being found out
D) our civilized life makes conscious lies impossible

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41.A great deal of ___ for our success should go to Michael Lee, head of our team.
A) merit B) credit
C) favor D) reward
42.They question whether a fair way can be ___ to tell which employees really perform better than their fellow employees.
A) depicted B) devised
C) decorated D) designated
43.The report indicates that it is financially ___ to build a water power station in the area.
A) adaptable B) available
C) feasible D) flexible
44.Somehow she felt that she herself had to some extent been the cause of all the trouble,and suffered___. 
A) accordingly B) respectively
C) consequently D) incidentally
45.The gas company ___ a leak in the main line and evacuated all the tenants of the building.
A) detected B) inspected
C) discerned D) explored
46.At the 27th Olympic Games she ___ two gold and one silver medals in the track and field events.
A) carried away B) carried off
C) carried over D) carried through
47.More than 790,000 youths were reported to have____the National Master’s Entrance Examination last year.
A) sat on B) sat up
C) sat in D) sat for
48.As a general rule, people with a great deal of ___ often have admiring friends and bitter enemies.
A) personality B) temperament
C) disposition D) character
49.After she gave birth to a child, she was ___ to go back to work in order to make the ends meet.
A) compelled B) enforced
C) imposed D) depressed
50.That football club tried to ___ the famous player with offers of a tremendous sum of money.
A) deceive B) persuade
C) tempt D) indulge
51.Many animal can ___ with their surroundings because of their protective coloring.
A) integrate B) match
C) blend D) merge
52.The strange phenomenon has ___ and puzzled many scientists for more a century.
A) annoyed B) embarrassed
C) fascinated D) frustrated
53.As we all know, the same gestures may have different ___ which vary from one culture to another.
A) implications B) presumptions
C) expressions D) assumptions
54.With the advent of PC and home-information systems, we’ll one day be able to ___ most business dealings from home.
A) implement B) execute
C) conduct D) supplement 
55.It was an awful accident. I wonder how you managed to ___ without a scratch.
A) see through B) come through
C) get through D) break though
56.This difficult problem we face in the project has to be tackled before we can ___ to others.
A) pursue B) advocate
C) precede D) proceed
57.While most scientists agree that the greenhouse effect is coming, there are not enough data yet to say with absolute ___ what its consequences will be.
A) confirmation B) conformity
C) conviction D) conscience
58.It is a___that in such a rich and prosperous country there should be so many poverty-stricken people.
A) controversy B) paradox
C) aversion D) conversion
59.It’s a well-known fact that truth will in the end ___ over falsehood, and right over wrong.A) dominate B) prevail
C) thrive D) conquer
60.We can’t choose whether we will pay income tax or not, for payment of income tax is ___.
A) compulsory B) voluntary
C) arbitrary D) dutiable
61.It’s generally agreed that fluctuations in birth rate are ___ to a number of economic factors.
A) entitled B) attributed
C) confined D) dedicated
62.It’s always better to ___ a problem before it arises than to search for a solution to it afterwards.
A) evaluate B) predict
C) anticipate D) estimate
63.It takes tremendous courage to ___ a belief that is not shared by many others.
A) persist in B) abide by
C) hold on D) adhere to 
64.As a good employer, he knows how to make full use of the ___ of his employees’ talents and abilities.
A) validity B) integrity
C) diversity D) versatility
65.Over the years jazz has changed and developed but it has essentially ___ its fundamental characteristics.
A) remained B) retained
C) reserved D) resumed
66.Economics is a subject that ___ all people’s lives whether they are conscious of it or not.
A) draws on B) catches on
C) touches on D) embarks on 
67.When one gets a good ___ into a problem, he will usually find a way to approach it or solve it. 
A) outlook B) perspective
C) version D) insight
68.She cares much about other people’s opinions about her and is particularly ___ to personal criticisms.
A) sensational B) sentimental
C) sensible D) sensitive
69.My secretary has typed out the first___of the report,but I must revise it before I submit to the conference.
A) draft B) sketch
C) script D) outline
70.They reported the loss in the financial fraud and gave all the necessary ___ to the police.
A) particulars B) provisions
C) procedures D) precautions

Part Ⅳ Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.

    Since I bought a computer last month, a new world has opened up before me, a world that reaches far beyond my immediate surrounding.Every morning, the first thing I do after open my eyes is to access theInternet to look at the top new stories of the day. In the evening, I will again sit on my computer and roam the world. The Internet brings me
lively World Cup football games and the terrorist attack on the [JP+2]World Trade Center. It also enables me to communicatewith my friends viaemail. The other day I got a message from a old classmate whom I hadn’t heard
of for years. She got my email address just by searching the website of my university! In addition helping us keep up oldties, it also brings me new friends with whom I meet virtually in chat rooms. We exchange views on topics of interest and pour our hearts out to one another like strange friends.So, instead of isolating us from one another, the Internet serves to widen distance, and helps to bring friends closer.
1. time _____2.  _____3. the _____


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