
四六级 2021-06-26 网络整理 可可


36.  The passage suggests that married couples become___.
A. unfriendly with guests
B. uninterested in guests
C. hostile when guests have left
D. quiet when guest have left 
37.  The passage seems to indicate at the end that children___.
A. help couples reinforce their friendship
B. make no impact on the quality of friendship
C. may pose obstacles in marital friendship
D. command less time and care than expected 

Section II Skimming and scanning  (10 points ,5 minutes.)
In this section there are seven passages with a total often multiple-choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.

First read the following question.
38.    The writer is concerned about___.
A.    budget housekeeping     B. the retail trade C.    computer skills   D. mental arithmetic 

Now read Text D quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet.
    A lot of attention is being given to children who leave school  unable to read or  write. I think there should be equal concern for  those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic -particularly girls. It is often stated that today’s children are growing up in a computer world and they don’t need the  same skills that their grandparents did. But is it any wonder that many young girls trying to cope with budget housekeeping fail for the simple reason they cannot keep accurate checks on their purchases? Shopping in markets is no source of cheap purchasing unless one is able to keep pace with the apparent mental agility of the vendor. Must we face the thought that at some time in the distant future everyone will need to carry  in their handbag or pocket one of the miniature calculators?

First read the following question.
39.    This is a letter of___.
A. reference   B. application    C. inquiry    D. complaint 
Now read Text F quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10 Garden Ave.
The Personnel Officer
Belgian Medico Ltd.
P0 Box 920
5th May 200___ 

Dear Sir,

    With reference to your advertisement in the “Daily Star”,  I’d like to apply for the position of translator with your firm. I hold a degree in German and French from the University of London. And I have worked as a translator for the past three years with Watson & Sons, Ltd., manufacturer of laboratory instruments, translating business correspondence from French  and German into English. I am 25 years old and unmarried. I enjoy living and working in different countries and I should welcome the chance of moving to Belgium. Yours sincerely, (Miss) Janet Holbrooke

First read the following question.
40.    The passage is mainly about___.
A.    loneliness    B.    experience    C.memory    D.    isolation 
Now read Text G quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet.
    Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were not in fact alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that strong sense of isolation that comes over you when you are at a party or in a room full of happy laughing people. It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else, everybody knows what is going on; everybody, that is, except you.   

    This feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get rid of. People living alone are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club or a society, by going out and meeting people.


First read the following question.
41.    The author mainly discusses ___ of public transportation.
A.    the price      B. the types     C.    the improvement

D. the advantage 
Now read Text H quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet.
    The price of public transportation in Beijing has doubled twice since 1989, but it is still a bargain. Using the subway and minibuses used to show class status; now people of all classes take them, while some wealthy prefer taxis or private cars. What a change in just a few years! But there are downfalls to having more cars on the roads. Fortunately, the government is aware of the problem. No-lead gasoline is the only one permitted in the city, and the rest of the country follows. Thousands of trees are planted in and around the city every year. Children are taught why and how to protect the environment. At the same time, public transportation has marked real progress: buses are everywhere and run frequently. We no longer see those old buses with broke n windows. Instead, there are fast buses, double-decker buses, air-conditioned o r heated buses, all offering a good service.

First read the following questions.
42.  Each participating team should at least have ___
A.    two         B.three       C.four  D.    five 
43.    Participants can bring along their ___ to the competition.
A.    Christmas trees B.    Christmas presents C.    festival costumes D.    decoration materials 

Now read Text H quickly and mark your answers on your answer sheet.
With Christmas Day around the corner, Hong Kong’s Provisional Regional Council announced that a Christmas tree decoration competition will be held on Sunday in conjunction with the ongoing Regional Council Festival.

 Members of the public are welcome to take part in the competition as families or small groups. Each team should be formed by at least three persons. A total of 99 Christmas trees of 1.5 metres in height will be available for the participating teams to decorate. Participants can bring along their own decoration materials and to use their imagination and creativity to achieve the best results.    

      Each participating team can take home the Christmas tree it has decorated as a souvenir. In addition, there will be cash awards for the winners.

First read the following questions.
44.    If you only have time for a half-day trip, which day would you choose?
A.    Sunday 23 July. B.    Saturday 15 July. C.    Wednesday 9 August. D.    Saturday 5 August.

45.    Which of the following trips offers you the opportunity to see Georgian architecture?
A.    Trip One.     B. Trip Two.        C.    Trip Three.   D.   Trip Four. 

Now read Text I quickly and mark your answers on your answer sheet.
Summer Outings
Trip One
Saturday 15 July  Stratford-upon-Avon and “Julius Caesar” The coach will leave at 9 am, allowing a couple of hours to visit Stratford before the performance of “Julius Caesar” at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Back around 7:30 pm.

Trip Two

Sunday 23 July    Bath
The spa town of Bath contains the country’s finest Roman ruins, and much elegant Georgian architecture. The coach will depart at 9 am, returning at around 6:30 pm.

Trip Three
Saturday 5 August     Stratford-upon-Avon and “The Taming of the Shrew”

 Another chance to visit Stratford. “The Taming of the Shrew”

 stars Josie Lawrence in the title role. The coach will leave at 9 am,

returning at around 7:30 pm.

Trip Four
Wednesday 9 August   Oxford and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” A half-day trip to Oxford. The coach will leave at 2:15 pm, allowing an afternoon to see the sights before one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays at the Playhouse Theatre. Back after the show.

First read the following questions.

46.    Which nation is thought to be business-minded?

A.    The Dutch.    B.     The Italians.   

C.    The British.              D. The Germans. 

47.    The opinions seem to be most divided on___.

A.    the Germans  B.     the Dutch    

C.    the French  D.    the British 


First read the following question.

47.    The passage advertises overseas___.
A.    jobs   B.   studies      C.   travel    D.      aid

Now, go through TEXTK quickly and answer question 47.

  Are you looking for something interesting to do?Then why not work abroad for a year or two? We have jobs in most parts of the world —including Europe, Africa and Southeast  Asia. We have jobs for teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, car mechanics and many others. Why not see the world? We cannot offer you very much money, but the work is interesting. You can learn another language and work with people, too. For more information write to us at:


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