
四六级 2021-05-28 网络整理 可可


e (60 Points)
I. 语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从A、B、C、D四个玄想中,选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共25小题,没小题1分。共25分。)

Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points.)
1. All things------, he is the best person we can find for the job.
A. considering B. being considered C. having considered D. considered
2. The poor woman asked the lawyer what---- his judgment on.
A. did he base B. he based C. had he based D. he had based
3. You----be too careful when you use a knife (to cut things).
A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. won’t D. oughtn’t
4. We will go on with the project-----difficulties we may meet with.
A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever
5. It is essential that a student complete the assignments----required.
A. than B. as C. like D. thus
6. He-----unwisely, but he was at last trying to do something helpful.
A. should act B. would act C. may have acted D. must have acted
7. -----six days later, the boy was more dead than alive.
A. Rescued B. Rescuing C. Having been rescued D. Having rescued
8. None of their new products have sold well, ----?
A. haven’t they B. have they C. hasn’t it D. Has it
9. Students should not be easily contented with the facts offered in textbooks, as many things in the world are----a matter of attitude and perception------the simple memorization of facts.
A. either, or B. neither, not C. more, than D. both, and
10. In the area, AIDS is----disease that the very mention of it strikes terror into the population.
A. so dreadful a B. such dreadful C. a so dreadful D. a such dreadful
11. -----his insistence, I would have given it up long ago.
A. Despite B. But for C. Except D. With
12. The fact----he works hard does not necessarily mean that he can be a competent leader.
A. which B. what C. why D. that
13. It is vital that enough money----- to fund the project.
A. be collected B. must be collected C. is collected D. was collected
14. In my opinion, hard work is the most important factor that-----to one’s success.
A. results B. affects C. contributes D. interferes
15. In the past few years, the award was given to male writers. But this year the ---went to a woman writer.
A. publicity B. distinction C. fame D. celebrity
16. Betty’s remarks----the General in his belief that she was telling the truth.
A. affirmed B. informed C. reformed D. confirmed
17. I hope you will come------a better solution tomorrow.
A. up with B. down with C. into D. around
18. Around noon it---on him that he had never had breakfast.
A. occurred B. fell C. dawned D. came
19. When he returned to the city ten years later, he found that it had changed-------.
A.. beyond measure B. without imagination C. out of reach D. in sight
20. Do you think there is a period in one’s life when one is particularly----sickness, accident or disasters of other kinds?
A. sensitive to B. available for C. vulnerable to D. ready for
21. In a foreign country, if you want to make friends, you have to-----the language barriers first.
A. keep off B. turn for C. break down D. come upon
22. If this proposed sanction should be really brought into action, some problems are sure to------.
A. arise B. rise C. arouse D. raise
23. True friends do not abandon each other------of danger.
A. at all times B. at one time C. in no time D. in times
24. If this is the case, how is he-----in blaming her?
A. qualified B. justified C. capable D. competent
25. Drivers are-----to a speed of 80 kilometers in the highway.
A. restrained B. refrained C. restricted D. refined
II.完形填空。 从四个选项中,选择一个正确答案, 并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer. (15 points)
A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources and labor supply all these were important---26---in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.---27--they were not enough. Sometimes---28---was needed to start the industrial process. That “ something special” was men creative individuals who could invent machines, find new---29--- of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.
The men who created the machines of the Industrial Revolution—30—from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were---31---inventors than scientists. A man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research---32---. He is not necessarily working---33---that his findings can be used.
An inventor or one who is interested in applied science is---34---trying to make something that has a concrete use. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories---35---science or by experimenting through trail and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a -–36---result; the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of---37---other objectives.
Most of the people who---38---the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had—39—or no training in science might not have made their inventions if groundwork had not been laid by scientists years---40---.
26. A. cases B. reasons C. factors D. situations
27. A. But B. And C. Besides D. Ever
28. A. else B. near C. extra D. similar
29. A. origins B. sources C. bases D. discoveries
30. A. came B. arrived C. stemmed D. appeared
31. A. less B. better C. more D. worse
32. A. happily B. occasionally C. reluctantly D. accurately
33. A. now B. and C. seldom D. so
34. A. seldom B. sometimes C. usually D. never
35. A. of B. with C. to D. as
36. A. single B. sole C. specialized D. specific
37. A. few B. those C. many D. all
38. A. proposed B. developed C. supplied D. offered
39.A. little B. much C. some D. any
40. A. ago B. past C. ahead D. before
III. 难句释义。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并在答案纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共10个小题,共10分)
Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts. (10 points)
41. “It’s no use having a dog without teeth”, they (British member of ICC) argue.
A. It’s no use having principles that nobody respects.
B. Laws without legal enforcement are useless.
C. A gentle guard won’t be able to keep trouble-makers away.
D. A dog without sharp teeth doesn’t frighten burglars away.
42. Rapport to most of us (Americans) is less important than performance.
A. In the business world, most of us think establishing close relationship with others is more important than going to performance with them.
B. Most of us measure our potential business partners by what they have done instead of what they say in their reports.
C. When we do business with others, whether they are successful is most important; relationship doesn’t count.
D. In business dealings, most of us pay more attention to the previous achievements of the other party than to their personal relationship with us.
43.What was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?
A. It was absolutely impossible for a butterfly to win when competing with bulls and bears.
B. He was doomed to failure in the stock market because he was always expecting too much.
C. A person who couldn’t settle down on any job was sure to fail in the stock market.
D. As he didn’t have much money, he couldn’t be successful in the stock market.
44.I was going to gamble on their inspection ending there, before they dug deeper to my diaries.
A. I actually would take a risk, hoping their search would stop when they discovered the stamped broadcast scripts.
B. I bet that they would be satisfied with the stamps of approval and would not continue to search my suitcases.
C. I would pray that their inspection would be put off and they would never find my diaries in the suitcases.
D. I would depend on their being careless not to dig deeper enough in the case where my diaries were hidden.
45. After all, funerals are very democratic affairs.
A. After all, all the people who will attend the funerals are members from the Democratic Party.
B. After all, it is up to very individual to decide whether to attend the funerals not.
C. After all, funerals are occasions where little attention is paid to social status or class divisions.
D. After all, funerals are occasions where people can express their opinions freely.
46.They wouldn’t let you down in a crisis.
A. They wouldn’t leave you alone in times of difficulty.
B. They wouldn’t disappoint you in times of difficulty
C. They would stay with you to cope with difficulties.
D. They would do whatever they could to help you out.
47. My maternal grandfather, it is true, was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-five.
A. My maternal grandfather, it is true, was wounded when picking flowers at the age of 65.
B. My maternal grandfather, it is true, cut flowers at the age of 65.
C. My maternal grandfather, it is true, passed away at the age of 65,the age when he should be strong and vigorous.
D. My maternal grandfather, it is true, could pick flowers like a young man though he was already 65.
48. Love is freeing. Love is freely given, not doled out in demand.
A. Love is given of one’s own free will, not provided for anyone who asks for it.
B. If you beg for love, you will never get it because true love is not given out of pity.
C. Love cannot be obtained by force, and it is given with no strings attached.
D. There is a noble quality about love that helps improve man morally.
49.Seven days before the design is due, I’m still deadlocked.
A. In order to finish the design ahead of time. I ‘m deeply absorbed in my work.
B. Seven days before I’m expected to finish the design, I get into some trouble.
C. I am not allowed to go out of the lab until I have finished my design.
D. Seven days before I am supposed to hand in the design, I am still puzzled with the problems.
50. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to assume that the introduction of the art of inventing has been as immediate and unmixed blessing to mankind.
A. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to believe that the introduction of the art of inventing has directly benefited only mankind.
B. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to believe that the introduction of the art of inventing has benefited mankind directly.
C. It would be a shallow kind of optimism to think that the introduction of the art of inventing has blessed mankind immediately and blessed only mankind.
D. It would be a shadow kind of optimism to believe that the introduction of the art of inventing has benefited mankind immediately and brought them only benefit.
Read the two passages and answer the questions. (10 points)
Passage 1
A century ago, the overwhelming majority of people in developing countries worked with their hands: on farms, in domestic service, in small craft shops and ( at that time still a small minority) in factories. Fifty years later, the proportion of manual workers in the American labor force had dropped to around half, and factory workers had become the largest single section of the workforce, making up 35% of the total. Now, another 50 years later, fewer than a quarter of American workers make their living from manual jobs. Factory workers still account for the majority of the manual workers, but their share of the total workforce is down to around 15%--more or less back to what it had been 100 years earlier.
Of all the big developed countries, America now has the smallest proportion of factory workers in its labor force. Britain is not far behind. In Japan and Germany, their share is still around a quarter, but it is shrinking steadily. To some extent this is a matter of definition. Data-processing employees or a manufacturing firm, such as the Ford Motor Company, are counted as employed in manufacturing, but when Ford out-sources its data processing, the same people doing exactly the same work are instantly redefined as service workers. However, too much should be made of this. Many studies in manufacturing businesses have shown that the decline in the number of people who actually work in the plant is roughly the same as the shrinkage reported in the national figures.
51. The proportion of factory workers in the workforce a century ago was around-------------
A. 15% B. 50% C. 35% d. 85%
52. It can be inferred from this passage that-------------------
A. most people in developed countries work with their hands.
B. workers in American manufacturing are not defined manual workers.
C. There are actually fewer factory workers in American industry than has not been reported.
D. The proportion of factory workers is seen as a measure of a nation’s economy.
53. The number of factory workers in other developed countries--------------.
A. is on the rise B. is decreasing gradually
C. has remained unchanged D. will surpass that of farm laborers
54. “Service workers” ( in line 8, paragraph 2) most probably refers to--------------.
A. manual workers in factories
B. those who make their living other than by manual work
C. farm laborers D. craftsmen in workshops
55. Which of the following statements best summarized the main idea of the passage?
A. Manual workers’ contribution to capitalist development
B. Today’s conditions for American factory workers
C. Evolutions in labor force over a century in developed countries
D. Working people in developed countries
Passage 2
Western civilization arose in the Near East and spread eventually to North America and other continents. For two thousand years, however, it had been intimately associated with Europe. A mere peninsula of Asia, Europe is, except for Australia, the smallest of the continents. Its population, ever counting offshoots overseas, has never been more than a minority of mankind. Yet it has played a towering role in the world. The extraordinary length and irregularity of its coastline-a veritable lacework of bays, inlets, channels, and internal seas-and a rich system of riverways brought Europeans close to one another and gave them access to the rest of the world. Although it is situated in the same latitudes as Canada, Europe has a moderate climate and a fairly regular rainfall. The resources of the continent are sufficiently modest to exact effort and forethought and sufficiency ample to reward them. They have neither the luxuriance that makes man lazy and improvident nor the barrenness that makes him niggardly and takes away his hope.
56. The main theme of this passage is that------.
A. Western civilization arose in the Near East
B. Conditions in Europe favored the growth of Western civilization
C. The coastline of Europe is a lacework of bays, inlets, channels and internal seas
D. Luxuriance makes may lazy and improvident
57. The passage says that--------------
A. Europe and Australia are the smallest and next smallest continents, respectively.
B. Australia and Europe are the smallest and next smallest continents, respectively.
C. Asia and Europe are the two smallest continents.
D. Asia is older than Europe
58. Which of the following was not mentioned as one of Europe’s qualities?
A. Conditions were good for shipping
B. Resources were neither too plentiful nor to scarce
C. Western civilization arose in the Near East
D. The climate was not severe
59. The passage implies that--------does not have a moderate climate.
A. Canada B. Australia C. Europe D. Asia
60. The author feels that society progresses best when-------------.
A. conditions are extremely hard so the people hope to better themselves
B. the people can, through their labor, attain a comfortable lifestyle
C. the people live in luxury
D. the government has a strong but fair leader

Part Two (40 Points)
Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. (10 points)
61.Cheer up, you are not----to anyone in intelligence. ( inferiority)
62. The warm and sincere greeting from Peter was--------. (reassure)
63.Such a high price is------to attract large numbers of customers. (likely)
64. The couple expressed their----------thanks to the young man who had saved their son by donating one of his kidney. ( heart, feel)
65. As she is busy with her own research work, she feels------to give us any help. (power)
66.Because of my-----of the time, I got to the destination two hours late. (judge)
67.The-----curtains don’t go with the old fashioned furniture of the sitting –room. ( bright, colour)
68. “ to survive in prison” Nelson Mandela said,” one must develop ways to take----in one’s daily life.” (satisfy)
69. The man’s ---shocked all those present. (shame)
70.Living in a big house is comfortable, but the cleaning is quite-------. (burden)
Translate the following sentences into English (15 points.)
71.他说他勤奋学习不是为了实现自己的梦想,而是为了不辜负母亲的期望。(not so much…as to…)
72. 她既不忽视家庭,也不忽视工作,但此刻事业是一切。(mean)
74. 她越激动就越难以把自己的思想用言语表达出来。
75.只要能按期完成,有谁来做这项工作并不重要。(meet the deadline)
Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts. (15 points)
What is culture shock? What is it caused by and what are the major symptoms?

I. 语法、词汇。本大题共25小题,每小题1分, 共25分。
1. D 2.D 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
11. B 12.D 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C

26. C 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D

41. B 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. D

51. A 52. D 53. B 54. B 55. C 56. B 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. B

Part Two (40 Points)
1. inferior 62. reassuring 63. unlikely 64. heartfelt 65. powerless
2. reassuring 66. misjudgment 67. bright-colored 68. satisfaction
69. shamelessness 70. burdensome
71. He said he worked diligently not so much to fulfill his dreams as to live up to his mother’s expectations.
72. She neglects neither her family nor her work. But at the moment her career means everything to her.
73. In the past 20 years China has succeeded in freeing tens of thousands of people from poverty.
74. The more excited she became, the more difficult it was for her to put across her ideas.
75. As long as we can meet the deadline, it doesn’t matter who is to do the job.
VII. 作文。 15分。
Cultural shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all the familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. These signs include a great many ways with which we are familiar in the situation of daily life: when to shake hands, how to go shopping, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not.
When a person is suffering from cultural shock, there may appear some important symptoms. First he rejects the new environment that causes the shock. He grumbles about the host country and its people. Another symptom of cultural shock is regression. The home environment suddenly takes on a tremendous importance. To him everything there becomes irrationally glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. There are also some other symptoms of cultural shock, such as excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes and bedding, fear of physical contact with attendants, the absent –minded stare, a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality.


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