
荷兰申请常识 2022-11-03 网络整理 可可


   some universities require, besides the appropriate diplomas and a sufficient ielts-score, to have an interview with the candidate as a part of the application process. the goal of this interview is to determine if your communication skills are good enough so that you can cooperate with your classmates. if you are one of these students that have to take an interview, then let me try to give you some advice:-         be prepared: make sure that you know a little bit about the university and program you are applying for. also, make sure that you can introduce yourself briefly, because this is a question that is always asked. furthermore, the interviewer will ask some very crazy and surprising questions (like: “what would do you if you win 10 million dollars in a lottery?”) to test if you can express your thoughts in a good and understandable way. be prepared for these kinds of questions.-         try to look confident and natural: during the interview, try to maintain eye contact with the interviewer and sit up straight. this makes you look confident and interested. another common mistake is to perfectly study what you want to say (for example when you introduce yourself to the interviewer) and then just reproduce it during the interview. this makes you sound very unnatural and the interviewer will certainly notice this.-         ask the interviewer some questions: to show your interest in the program and the university you are applying for, it is highly recommended that you also ask some questions to the interviewer about that. the interviewer can also answer questions you might have about practical matters, such as housing or exchange programs with other universities.-         relax, and don’t worry too much: keep in mind that the university really wants to have you as a student. having a good mix of nationalities in a class is very important. also, you can teach the other students many things (about the chinese culture or studying skills). so you are of high value to the university you want to go to!  the advice mentioned above can help you in preparing for your interview. especially for students that think they need more extensive practice, cheer offers a free pre-interview training. during this free session an interview will be imitated and you will be trained by a professional so you will feel perfectly prepared for the real interview!  andries elburgmarketing manager asia


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