i remember how my eldest brother (c.a from pakistan, double masters in finance & i.t. + cpa from usa) advised me to join a chartered accountant firm after part 2, acca. unfortunately my part 1 and part 2 period dragged so much (because of the hard accounting subjects) that he and my friends in practical work advised me to join the firm as soon as possible.currently i"m at a local c.a firm internationally known as grant thornton, in mcs (management consultancy services) department. although i"m preparing for my 2.4 and 2.6 papers side by side (mostly on weekends) i must admit that in this short duration of about two months since i"ve joined it i"ve picked a few handful professional things...more related to the attitude towards a specific task, just because of "being in a professional environment!"
for instance, in writing a business letter to a client, what specific things to be addressed and how to be conveyed ina professional manner. similarly, how to prepare a draft business plan to get started with and creative ways to market a business product, or render a report convincig enough for any financial institute to provide financial lease or loan to the business finance seeker. there"s alot more to it yet!
the tips lie in the environment one becomes part of. learning oppertunities are always around if one"s mind is open to it. like they say:
"learning is...an open mind to one and all, to learn life"s lessons great and small!"
my advice is, make your way rather than wait for any oppertunity to knock! oppertunities come your way anyway, but to make the most of it, prepare yourself to take advantage of them. thoretical information is just like a paper degree without practical exposure. (this goes for whatever qualification you go for).
without practice, keeping in touch with those qualifications is difficult, and theoretical value is nothing much. to prove oneself worthy of the task, it"s best to develop the skill to be adept at not only verbally, but practically as well! so know your business well!
因为参加过idemc(2 5和2 6)和晋才(3 5,3 6,3 7)的acca培训,也算是有可以发表意见的资格了: 1。晋才的管理更严格,每一次上课和课中休息都会有专职的人员来点名,相对而言,iedmc基本上没有点名的人员,比较容易拿到免费的午餐; 2。iedmc的交通更方便一些,地铁静安寺下来...
新大纲共有十四门课程,分为三个部分,具体科目如下: ■ 第一部分主要涉及基本的会计原理,财会信息的作用和管理领域的主要问题等内容,具体课程为: 1 1 财务报表编制 preparing financial statements 1 2 财务信息应用于管理 financial inf...
一、对acca学习和考试有足够的心理准备 由于其学习时间跨度长,学习费用高,难度大,虽然说其成绩在十年之内考完有效,但反复的补考,不仅花去时间和金钱,更让人感觉被拖得精疲力尽,遥遥无期。在这种实打实的考试中,每一道考题要经过三位老师评改,不存在任何的侥幸和偷懒,所以学员在下决定攻读之前应对其有足够...
paper3 6这门课非常特殊,跟acca其他任何课程都不一样,其特点是内容繁杂,考前即使看了几遍书,合上书后心里却很茫然,有无从下手的感觉;它不像3 5和3 7,3537只要认真看书和做真题,做了2、3遍以上后,自然就有上手的感觉,信心会大增,不会有一种沮丧的感觉。3 6则不然,如果方法不当,找不...
董毅:acca会员 世界银行驻中国代表处高级财务管理专家 出生于会计师家庭的我,从小就对财务工作有着浓厚的兴趣。记得上大学时,其他同学费劲苦读的会计分录,我上小学时就经常听父母与同事谈论了。最终我考上了南开大学会计系,开始了自己的财务人员之旅。上大学时由于所学的会计和审计教材都是英文原版的,...
大家随便看,不要丢砖头啊 从03年下半年注册开始,到05年6月份考试结束,我经历了成功和失败,写出来和大家分享。 三、 为何选择acca 在国内事务所,有cicpa就已经足够了,我相信也不会有人选择acca的考试,作为后续教育的一种来提高自己的业务水平。选择acc...
长期以来,我很害怕写介绍学习经验之类的文章,因为学习方法是只属于每个人的,是特有的,不具有普遍性,每每这种文章由于其缺乏指导意义而显得毫无价值。有鉴于此,我决定泛泛而谈,重点谈体会,包括经验和教训,而不愿多谈具体的学习方法 一、注重交流。交流有分很多种,分很多层次:1、简单的发牢骚,会让你有个...
我在去年八月发出了征集各科各级的考试经验之后。已经有几十人回帖,表现出对这个话题的强烈兴趣。先后有六人次发表了经验之谈。我在这里重新整理,按照科目顺序排列。在此,十分感谢各位对论坛的贡献。大家还有什么经验可以继续跟帖。谢谢!一、我参加了4门课程的考试,都很简单的,谈一下自己的体会。1 1 1 2...
对刚入高校校门的本科生来说,acca这张黄金证书是否就是高不可攀?当然不是!事实上,如果能在读本科时抢出4年时间,提前完成acca考试,不仅在就业时优势明显,更是已在职场上先人一步,把握先机。而在不少在校本科生中,不乏在acca考试中获得全球最高分或全国最高分者。 不过,实践经验缺乏、英语表达...
acca的及格分数为50分。 通过acca part2 (中级国际会计师)考试后,加一篇5,000字论文,论文通过可获得英国牛津布鲁克大学应用会计学本科学士学位。英国牛津布鲁克大学为英国正规国立大学,在校生1 7万名,已连续6年被时代周刊评为英国最好的大学之一。根据2003年2月...